fanfiction: Scene Rehearsal Take One (Ed/Leighton)

Mar 24, 2009 17:24

It is with a guilty heart that I present you with my first RPF but dammit those pics are really cute!

Rating: PG because Leighton likes to cuss
Word count: 399
Disclaimer: Ed and Leighton belong to their respective selves (and I'm almost sorry for meddling) and Chuck/Blair belong to.. not me anyway.
Author's notes: This is me not speaking English as a first language and not knowing what the fuck that thing Leighton's wearing is which I've dubbed 'parka' for convenience's sake. Or where's she's really from.

They stand silent by the limo waiting for the director to order the scene rehearsal. It's about eleven in the morning and the sun is done shining on this side of the avenue for the day; Leighton can see it hiding behind some skyscraper and, feeling just a little miffed, she shoves her cold hands in the pockets of her humongous black duster-styled parka.

Ed who's slouching with his thumps hooked on his pants' pockets turns towards her, eyes questioning. He's wearing Chuck's blue blazer with just a thin blue shirt underneath and it's unbuttoned at the neck.

'It's fucking cold out here. Aren't you cold?' she asks incredulously.

'Not really. It's spring.' he says smiling. Leighton thinks he's laughing at her and she frowns.

'It's because you're from England right? It's cold there too. Well, I'm from L.A. and for me my friend New York in March is fucking cold in comparison.'

Ed looks down and she follows his gaze to her legs. Beneath the parka Leighton's wearing the bright green coat that only her character can pull off, a knee-length beige skirt somehow matched with white itchy stockings, and her own fleece-lined winter boots--just to keep her toes from freezing until the real shooting.

She glances back up to Ed's face (she kind of feels like he's staring her down; it's so much better when she's on heels because then they're almost the same height) and he is laughing at her, brown eyes twinkling, shoulders shaking and all.

OK, fine, she looks ridiculous in that getup, she admits as much and her mouth starts grinning without her consent. Ed has the most contagious laughter. It's really not fucking fair but she's not holding a grudge and they're both laughing now. After all Ed has his own share of ridiculous outfits. Right now though, even if his posture ruins the suit's line he's looking handsome.

Right on cue the director shouts to them to take their places. Leighton's mind shifts gears, bringing her lines within easy reach as Ed straightens up from his slouch.

'Don't worry luv,' he says, 'I'll keep you all nice and warm.'


Chuck and Blair are kissing and Chuck's hands slip under Leighton's parka to encircle her waist and hold her flush onto his body. Leighton's smile against Ed's lips is very much genuine because she's totally feeling all nice and warm.

Criticism? Comments? Love?

rating: pg, fanfiction

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