We would like to thank
warblers_ohyeah for partnering with us for the discussion tonight! Yay! Welcome! Everyone have fun mingling and watching the episode.
It's going to be wonderful and fantastic, but in order to control the chaos let’s clarify a few rules about bashing:
ABSOLUTELY NO member bashing. Play nice ladies and gents! We are all here for the same reason: Klaine. Also, no actor/writer bashing. It's fine to have an opinion and to express it, but "I've never been a fan of Lea Michele" is the polite and correct way to share said opinion. "OMG SHE'S A SKANK WHORE" is not. Same with the writers.
As for character bashing, as far as I'm concerned they aren't real people and therefore do not have real feelings for you to hurt. However, we all know it is easy to start a fan war of characters and that is just not acceptable here. Say what you will about whatever characters are on the screen, but please do in a civil manner.
If you start trouble you will get a warning. If you continue to cause trouble, you will be banned from future discussions. So all in all, just don’t do it. :)
Mods will be on hand to keep an eye on things. If something is happening in the comments, please be patient, we will take care of it.
As for the rest of the rules, they are fairly simple and easy to follow. And actually only consist of one other: PLEASE keep the spoilers contained to tonight's episode. This means no talk of future episode spoilers. Speculation is fine, repeating spoilers you heard/read is not. NO SPOILERS FROM TUMBLR since I know how that place likes to blow up about five minutes before the episode airs.
Here are the live-feed links, if you have any others please share! (I believe these all work, but if you know one’s that don’t work, please let me know and I’ll edit the list)
http://www.myfoxmemphis.com/generic/video/streaming_1/Live_Stream_1http://www.tvpc.com/Channel.php?ChannelID=1730http://girl-tv.net/watch-glee-live-2/http://tvpc.com/Channel.php?ChannelID=8395 (thanks