Title: "Until My Dying Breath" -- Chapter Six
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vampire AU with all the unpleasantness that entails. Violence, bloodplay, blood drinking, sexualized violence, grotesque descriptions, dark setting, fear, minor past character death, minor dubious consent in sexual matters, intense dark emotions, brief contemplation of suicide. Warnings on a chapter by chapter basis.
Length: 17,000-ish for this chapter
Story Summary: On his way home from campus to his apartment on the Upper East Side, Blaine Anderson happens to come across a beautiful young man with bewitching blue eyes. It doesn’t take long, though, for everything Blaine thought was real to fall to pieces. For his world to dissolve into a twisted dance of fear and heat and blood.
Notes: Thank you so much for your patience, everyone! School is as absurd-busy as ever, but I'm trying my best to keep to a fairly consistent schedule. :) I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think! (Also, my tumblr is
here if you're interested! I tend to post updates there about how chapters are progressing. :3)
The moment stretches on endlessly between them as Kurt continues to stand and stare right at him with that too-broad smile, eerie and elastic and grinning, still stretched across his lips.