Jun 19, 2008 22:58
If you are interested in participating in the ficathon, sign-ups start TODAY, June 20, and END next Friday, June 27. You will be emailed your assigned tag on June 27 and given two weeks to finish- that means the ficathon entries are to be posted Friday, July 11. Obviously if there are any issues, you can contact me and I'll be glad to give you an extension. And if there are a bunch of people who think that two weeks is just ridiculous... okay, we can move the due date, but considering that this is just our first ficathon and no one's asking for a novel, I think two weeks is enough time to plan what you want to write and short enough to have that deadline making you write faster.
Here's what you need in your prompt:
Characters: You can specify one pairing or have it be a centricfic around one character.
Rating: G-X, specifying not to go above or below a certain rating.
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Romance/Comedy etc. You can ask for a blend, but this isn't Starbucks people.
Situation: Makeup, breakup, Jimmy and Chazz enter a hula contest..
Inclusions: You can have up to three.
Length: You can specify about how long you'd like it, but remember to be kind and that a story can be completed in a shorter/longer amount of space. Don't assign more than you'd want to write in two weeks. Writers can write as long as they'd like, but I'm gonna have to put a cap on asking at about 2K words.
Here's mine as an example:
Character: Stranz-centric.
Rating: Author's choice
Genre: Gen and/or romance, but not too light and sweet.
Situation: A backstory-fic would be great, or elaborating on any of Stranz's "illuminating" quotes throughout the movie.
Inclusions: A diary, a beaded necklace, and a badly-damaged potted plant.
Length: At least 500-1,000 words would be lovely.
When writing your prompt, remember to be kind! Very very detailed specifications take away some of the surprise and spontaneity (and fun!) that come from an exercise like this. Consider it like writing what you want for a Secret Santa- jewelry is much easier to buy for than a diamond-studded emerald pendant on a silver chain.
Any and all questions should be directed either here, my journal, flashing.spirit@gmail.com, or my AIM @ ticouanmijar. Whatever you guys find easiest.
Thanks ahead to everyone who signs up!
EDIT: Hahaha... omg... mistyped my contact email in here. Hoooboy. It's fixed. Okay wtf is wrong with me people, I had to fix another typo with my email. Whyyyyyy do I suck so bad. *headdesk*