Testing, one two three...

Nov 29, 2007 23:27

Hey there everyone, short time lurker, first time poster. I first saw BoG sometime last week (it was in the haze of the giant Thanksgiving Day weekend, so I can't pinpoint the exact day) and fell in love with it, blah blah blah, standard fangirl rant here. I found this community and was so moved by awesome that I created an LJ account just to join ( Read more... )

drabble, chazz/jimmy, lellenator, pg, fic

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Comments 31

xenafox November 30 2007, 06:53:17 UTC
Hey hey welcome! Welcome to our little production! It's nice to see another new person here, although I have only been here a little over a month myself. More fangirls for BoG ROCKS =3

Cute little zombie skaters..XD But I don't want them to be dead! ..Er undead..But I know what you mean about gnawing on the brain.

I like your drabbles. You have a very cool style! I loved reading those, and espeically the rage one. Gives some more insight to Chazz in a way I haven't quite seen before.

“Hey,” Jimmy shouts, “doesn’t it ever get tiring, being you?”

I REALLY really like that dialogue there.

And I love how they're so happy in the third one! It works well :3


lellenator November 30 2007, 12:09:37 UTC
Thanks for the warm welcome! BoG draws fangirls to it like peanut butter to jelly. Soon we will group en mass...

If they were *both* undead it'd be, um... well, okay, it's still necrophilia, but the idea has some sort of... allure? No? Maybe? Okay, no more Shaun of the Dead for me. *firm nod* (In my defense, I just read two Scrubs/28 Days Later crossovers, so I've been seeing zombieboys *everywhere*.)

Aww thank you. <3 I would like to personally thank my English 112 class for providing me ample time in which to write my stuff.

^_^! Thanks a lot. The last one passed as my favorite, but only marginally. I'm pretty proud with all this lot.


xenafox November 30 2007, 16:43:26 UTC
I'm allergic to peanut butter, so I'm gonna say like cream cheese to a bagel 8D ....

Lol yep, necrophilia, I do understand that as zombies they would still be irresistable..I'd be torn between running and being bitten. Maybe I would tie one up and keep it as a pet and feed it random bodypart. .. O_O; Scrubs and 28 Days Later? ... XDDD Wow..that's actually...got me curious, I cannot see the Scrubs characters surviving a zombie attack..JD would probably be bitten while trying to hug one.

I use English class to write as well >D

I'm babbling and..I'm SO supposed to be in a class...OOPS.


lellenator November 30 2007, 16:55:36 UTC
Awwww! I'm sorry. Cream cheese and bagels are also excellent sources of deliciousness.

I'd.. hmm, get them muzzles and make them my attack zombie-skaters! Like attack dogs, only more... awesomer. ^_^ Yeah, two of those fics on FFnet. It really surprised me. The only reason JD survived in one was because Dr. Cox ended up dragging him to a car and out of the city and was like, "Okay, you drive, if you see a zombie just run over him, and wake me up when we're out of gas." A couple thousand words later and JD's still alive! Yay.

Hee. I sneak comp time throughout the day with my trusty jumpdrive and write longhand everywhere else.

I totally shouldn't be on my email, but I bypassed the stupid filters anyway. That's how much my love extends for this fandom. Yeah. (Have fun in your class! :D)


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lellenator November 30 2007, 12:11:29 UTC
Thanks! :D

Chazz can't keep his mouth shut. He should be more careful when he's around impressionable Jimmy and coach who's liable to smack him one.

Thanks again. :3


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lellenator November 30 2007, 19:46:51 UTC
That is quite true. A Chazz without a potty mouth and poor decision-making skills would not be a Chazz at all. He'd be a... oh, I don't know, a Chuck, and Chuck and Jimmy just sounds silly.


delory November 30 2007, 14:13:00 UTC
Very nice :) Thank you for writing them.
Welcome to the community!
May I ask where you're from? Because while reading it I thought "I think she's from Great Britain" but now I'm not so sure about it anymore... lol I don't even know why I thought that...


lellenator November 30 2007, 14:39:29 UTC
Thanks for reading! <3 And thanks for the welcome, all you guys are really nice.

Ha, I only wish. I'm from boring old Virginia, but I've been to Great Britain, if that counts.


delory November 30 2007, 15:34:03 UTC
Haha yeah, let's say that counts XD


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lellenator December 1 2007, 12:32:00 UTC
Excuse me one moment.

*glomp because your icon is a Dr. Cox quote*


Annnnyway. Thanks so much for the awesome review. I am definitely writing more. Right now I've got more itty-bitties planned out- originally these three drabbles were going to be part of a longer series called Elements, and I've already got the next one "Steam" in the making :3- plus I just finished a 14 1/2 page fic in my notebook. Plus, um, approximately two gazillion story ideas floating around in my head, including three I just came up with this morning even before I got out of bed.

So, thaaaaanks. *hugs*


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lellenator December 2 2007, 01:59:07 UTC
That 14 page sucker has turned into a Word document just shy of 5,000 words. All it needs is a little spit and polish and BOOM, more happy shiny Chazzination.

Aww, you're too sweet. ^_^ Hey, you know who could count to two infinity? Chuck Norris.



enigmalea December 2 2007, 16:20:26 UTC
Welcome! These are really excellent. I hope you write more soon.

I've added you to the community tags so you can tag your entries.


lellenator December 2 2007, 16:22:27 UTC
Thanks so much! I've got a lot of things in the making as we speak. ^_^

I shall go attend to that at once.


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