Title: Baby Blues
Rating: G. *blinks* ...yeah G. Weird, huh?
Summary: Jimmy is ill, what could the problem be?
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: Hey hey kiddies! I swear this is the first G rated story I've written in...years. Literally years. I'm kinda sad there's no porn in this one but I promise you porn for my next post. This might be squicky for some since it does deal with mpreg. A few of you requested mpreg and I just couldn't get this bunny off me so I had to write it down. Anyway, yeah, I think the Author's Note is longer than the story itself. As always, comments are my crack. Enjoy!
Jimmy had been feeling ill for nearly a month. Chazz was extremely worried and finally convinced his lady esque lover (and the urging of coach) to go to the doctor. Jimmy hated doctors (the sterile environment reminded him too much of his "father") and Chazz happily accompanied him.
"Well?" Chazz said impatiently when the doctor entered the room with the test results.
The doctor smiled. "Congratulations."
Chazz and Jimmy both exchanged confused looks. "Congratulations?"
"You're two months pregnant, Mister MacElroy."
The last thing Chazz remembered before blacking out was the juxtaposition between the doctor’s smiling face and Jimmy’s horrified look.