Sorry for the slight delay in getting this posted :) Your challenge for this week is to make text-only icons (using quotes from Blackadder, naturally!) This means no recognizable images in the background, just text over texture. If you've never made text-only icons before, I strongly recommend
this tutorial by
grrliz to help you get started!
Also, when you submit your icons, if you could include a note saying what season/episode they come from, that would be great, so I can compile a little list :) Like this would be perfect: II, "Chains"
[x] Entries are due SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 2008 @ MIDNIGHT EST.
[x] Enter up to three icons
[x] Brushes, gradients, textures and animation are allowed
[x] Must fit LJ standards; 100X100 pixels & 40KB (or less) in size
[x] Must be in .PNG, .GIF, OR .JPG format
[x] Make a new icon for this challenge; do not post them anywhere until this challenge is over
[x] Must be a member to participate
[x] Any questions? Please leave a comment so I can unscreen and answer ASAP
[x] Post your entries here with the URL. All posts are screened (check userinfo for an example)
[x] Captain Darling orders you to have fun! (Serious!)