Salvation (1 and 2/15)

May 21, 2011 17:44

Title: Salvation
Author: rhapsodyinpink
Pairing: Philip/Syrena
Rating: PG-13
Words: (Chapters 1 and 2): 577
Summary:I found the relationship between Philip and Syrena to be quite compelling, not just because they're both attractive (though they certainly are!) but because he is a man of faith and she is a supernatural creature. How does faith work in a world like this? How did Philip become involved with pirates in the first place? How did they become so attached to each other? When did they learn each other's names? And what really happened in the end? I plan to explore these questions, left unanswered in the film, in this series of short chapters. I hope you all enjoy!

Chapters 1 and 2
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