Past Drabble: BAIT

May 29, 2009 13:11

Characters: Elizabeth, OFCs
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own little Lizzy, but Hatty belongs to me.

Elizabeth opened her eyes from her afternoon nap. She breathed in deep. Someone
was baking. Someone was baking her favorite orange carrot cake. She lofted down
the stairs on the trail of sweetness.

Elizabeth pushed open the kitchen door to see Hatty churning something in a
wooden bowl. As the door creaked open, Hatty turned her broad backside, and
smiled at the young girl peaking into the kitchen.

Hatty turned, smiled, and placed her spoon-free hand on her hip. "Ahhhh. I
though that might wake yer senses," she chortled.

Hatty offered a piping hot piece of cake to Elizabeth. She walked into the room
and held the cake in her hand.

"Now. You are going to tell me what you saw of Lila and Brannan in the pantry
last night."
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