DAMN RIGHT, IT SURE DOES! ... Well, aside from diabetes.smoorfiMarch 11 2010, 14:34:36 UTC
Anytime, bro! I was actually just slicing up some kielbasa and realized I didn't say much aside from "shit sucks /hug" OTL. The meme is always barking up the wrong tree when they discuss actual relationships. Lolshipping is usually fine but... yeah.
I... am not sure? I'm getting a ride with Catsu... she knows what's going down. I remember somewhere along the way we were going down on Thursday, but then that got changed to ungodly-early hours Friday. It's her rents that are driving us, so you'd have to talk with her to know for sure OTL
Re: DAMN RIGHT, IT SURE DOES! ... Well, aside from diabetes.blacknoiseMarch 11 2010, 14:42:32 UTC
Okay--I can do that. If it's early Friday, that's more or less when I wanted to go anyway. I just didn't want to take forever on a bus or spend the $200 on a flight.
I'll check with her, then! I can't check in until 2 but if we leave early Friday I can amuse myself until then. Where are you staying? Have you decided yet?
I can't tell you how grateful I am that you're okay with things... I mean, I know you and Carlee had a thing going on, and... well I don't know exactly where things are going to end up with she and I but... Hah, obviously if I react like that I'm pretty sensitive about it, right? OTL Again, man, thank you.
If I can keep my head above water better on the meme during this kind of mess, the way you have, I'll consider myself lucky.
I'll see you at Anime North!! I won't be in the Artist Alley this year because I'm moving house at that time and won't be able to manage it, but I'm looking forward to cosplaying Orochimaru! XD And I'll be able to attend Yaoi North, finally. Very excited!
Comments 10
But I'll see you at AN! ;U;
Thank you Smoorf.
Speaking of AN--can I still count on a ride from O-town? How are you going again, and when? I have hotel check-in at 2 pm the Friday.
I... am not sure? I'm getting a ride with Catsu... she knows what's going down. I remember somewhere along the way we were going down on Thursday, but then that got changed to ungodly-early hours Friday. It's her rents that are driving us, so you'd have to talk with her to know for sure OTL
I'll check with her, then! I can't check in until 2 but if we leave early Friday I can amuse myself until then. Where are you staying? Have you decided yet?
I can't tell you how grateful I am that you're okay with things... I mean, I know you and Carlee had a thing going on, and... well I don't know exactly where things are going to end up with she and I but... Hah, obviously if I react like that I'm pretty sensitive about it, right? OTL Again, man, thank you.
If I can keep my head above water better on the meme during this kind of mess, the way you have, I'll consider myself lucky.
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