Hello LJ, how's it hangin'.

Feb 11, 2012 18:17

Sometimes I wonder where everybody went, and then I remember, oh yeah it's me who's not here anymore. I've practically moved kit and caboodle to Tumblr.

Don't mess with Tumblr, kids, it will eat your life. One of these days, I'm sure I'll start to get called out for spoiling over there the way that I used to be over here, but then again, nobody ( Read more... )

batshanging, dread pirates, boys are silly, i sit around collecting things, canadians are up there, nobody thinks you're funny, insomnia again, roflhouse, *facepalm*, ping pong time, tentaculacular, teh awesum, fandom, she made it in her artistic ability, relevant relevant relevant, it's where things go, i tell you, what context?, sam and dean own my soul, pretentious fan is pretentious, it's conjoined twins, it made everyone gay as a rainbow fart, i like this game, because it's wrong, i don't believe in cut tags, gleek is a monkey

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Comments 2

heidi8 February 12 2012, 15:54:42 UTC
Do I have you friended on tumblr? I'm heidi8 there...


blacklid February 12 2012, 16:36:19 UTC
I just friended you! I'm still really newbie-ish at actually using it. Spent a lot of time just re-blogging and just now learning how to post my own stuff. (It would help to have a half-decent gif program. I'm trying out Photoscape right now.)


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