How I want Supernatural to end.

Dec 27, 2011 16:18

Don't lie, you've all thought about it. Not that we ever really want it to end, but we know that it will someday. The cast and crew will move on to other things, their yearbooks displayed proudly on the fireplace mantel under the antlers and the gag reels played loudly on holiday weekends one after another to the sounds of laughter and whimsical ( Read more... )

all aboard the failboat, spam!, pepole think this review is worthles, what is this i don't even, impala, anonymouse, what does that have to do with anything?, bzuh?, and then there were hunters, nobody thinks you're funny, die in a fire, fearthewrathofthe eta, tentaculacular, on the other other hand, anansi boys, thinky thoughts, quote, i think i might die, pretentious fan is pretentious, director cuts, hang onto your ass, in the cemetery, lunch around the stone table, teal deers, karina needs therapy, canadians are up there, insomnia again, angels are not so obi wan, *facepalm*, gぇえ, i tell you, le sigh, it made everyone gay as a rainbow fart, because it's wrong, going to hell

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Comments 12

borgmama1of5 December 27 2011, 22:39:32 UTC



blacklid December 27 2011, 23:06:54 UTC
You know, I laughed so hard when I saw this quote from the original movie, but this whole post makes me sound 300% more chagrined right now than I actually am damnyou, Becky 2.0, for killing my muse so dead that not even Dean could raise it.


themonkeytwin December 28 2011, 00:40:34 UTC
Ha! I love what J2 said at ... was it Vancon this year?... that the boys are in a place where their happiest possible ending is to die together. Quickly.


Seriously, this is my Favourite Show of All Time.

That, or Becky tracks down Ruby's knife, hunts down Chuck your muse and the boys and it all ends in blood and super-crazed fangirl eyes. OH YES. I can't see them doing that, but that's a ficcish coda that's gonna linger in my head awhile. I kind of love hyper!derranged!Becky. "Normal" Becky is just kind of annoying, though.


blacklid December 28 2011, 15:47:57 UTC
I do believe that they have made mention of that several times and Vancon was one of those places. I wish I was going again next year! That place is amazeballs.

Please oh please oh please oh please don't nobody torture me with Becky no more. PUH-LEEEZE? *watery anime eyes* I PROMISE I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU SAY.


*breaks out fresh bag of pens and paper*


themonkeytwin December 28 2011, 19:40:39 UTC

... )


blacklid December 28 2011, 23:42:24 UTC
Ah, babeh, you know me oh, so well.

*renders new plates ... for later*


etoile444 December 28 2011, 02:35:20 UTC
Well, I'd love to see Becky possessed by a demon and killed by Sam's magic hand. But you know, devils want ice water!

Here is my cracktastic version of how it will end:

To complete the balance, Dean must pay his debt to the fairy realm and travels there to service Oberon, meanwhile, Sam, in lonely despair, hunts down Lucky, gets turned into a dog, and wanders the back roads of America...furry.


blacklid December 28 2011, 15:51:56 UTC
You ever try to talk to those Rational Fans rationalizing that Becky is cool now because she saved Sam? ... from the harm's way she put him in? Whoopdie doodie. *massive chagrin mustache* YOU AND ME, WE GWANNA MAKE HER DISAPPEAR, SEE. TO RESTORE THE BALANCE.


a_phoenixdragon December 28 2011, 02:57:13 UTC




blacklid December 28 2011, 15:54:02 UTC
*monkey death grip clutches onto plate dripping with sanity sauce ... licks plate*


tahirire December 28 2011, 04:09:41 UTC
This was so not your homework.


blacklid December 28 2011, 15:55:13 UTC
This is known as Phase 3: Procrastination (after Phase 1: Denial and Phase 2: Excuses)


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