Dear tahirire

Apr 01, 2010 13:57

I am breaking up with you.

You're an unsophisticated lazy bitch who can't spell and has no original ideas. I'm also sick of your constant evil Sam glee and your Team Yes-ness. You suck. Also, I simply cannot be friends with someone whose pms time frame backs up to mine. It's just too much emo monthly coverage. Something had to give sometime.

Oh. And you hate health care.

Anyway, you're fired.

*uses correct icon*,


all aboard the failboat, batshanging, beta, ninja, teal deers, overcredited and underappreciated, we are done professionally, omgwhy, don't chagrin me, nobody thinks you're funny, tahirire keeps stealin' my tags, wank!, gぇえ, die in a fire, fearthewrathofthe eta, ping pong time, this can never happen again, on the other other hand, relevant relevant relevant, i tell you, she said what, it's conjoined twins, i like this game, i'm in ur el jay making ur posts, because it's wrong, friends, ninja owl strikes again

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