Name: Juliet.
Gender: Girl.
Date of Birth: May 7 (gonna be eighteen next week!)
Would you like to be stamped as a male or female character? Female.
Post the links to the five applications you have voted on: There are no applications to vote on! D:
Describe yourself in...
...three adjectives Argumentative, frank, neurotic.
...three nouns Bitch, procrastinator, night owl.
...three verbs Think, shout, sleep.
Name one random thing that really pisses you off God, you know how some people have these little surreptitious ways of telling you how awesome they are, while still making it look like they're not? I have this friend, for example, who loves to talk about how all these guys have crushes on her or how much her English teacher likes her poetry and how smart and pretty and blah blah blah random people have proclaimed her to be. It's so painfully obvious what they're doing and it's pretty clear that they're doing it to cover up insecurity.
Name one random thing that really makes your day A song on my ipod fitting the situation I'm in.
You are introduced to a group of people and are told to spend one day with them. You agree. At the end of the day, what will those people think about you? "God, she won't shut up. I don't need to know her opinion on everything."
Do you fight for good, evil, your own purpose or do you rather stay out of the way? My own purpose.
Field work, paper work, espionage or perhaps sexual favours - how exactly does our worthy applicant go about making a living? Espionage--it sounds awful, but I love taking revenge. So I'd probably get really into meeting some asshole and making him believe I'm on his side, only to screw him over later. Plus the whole femme-fatale mystique.
And do you work alone? In a team? With a partner? Or henchmen? As henchman? Alone, but maybe with support--like the leader of a team.
Casualties. Are they to be avoided, discouraged, encouraged or ignored? In terms of opponents? If they're dangerous, take 'em the hell down. If they're, like, civilians, no.
Sex, Drugs or Rock'n'Roll? I hate the idea of not being aware of my actions, so no drugs. And Rock'n'Roll is just better than sex--it'll always be there for you. ;)
Half time! Why don't you lighten up the mood with a joke? Where does the Lone Ranger take his trash? TO THE DUMP, TO THE DUMP, TO THE DUMPDUMPDUMP!
... annoying? Frequently.
... caring? For certain people or situations, very much so. But I worry at how callous I can be sometimes--very "suck it up and deal with it."
... diplomatic? I'll travel along that path for a while, but I get pissed too easily.
... competitive? Viciously.
... destructive? Not physically. But I've fucked up emotionally more than once.
... persistent? I wish I were more so. :/
... short-tempered? Oh yeah.
... social? Depends. If I'm in a situation where I can tell I'll like the people around me, I'm the life of the party. If not...people will think I'm really quiet until someone says something that ticks me off, whereupon I'll start arguing.
... innocent? No.
... money? I know that real happiness transcends money, but realistically, it's pretty much the enabler of...everything. It provides freedom, comfort, family, life...etc. It's the most important thing in the world, in a sense, because everyone agrees on it.
... justice? Complicated. I'm not sure if there is "true" justice.
... violence? Fun to watch (interestingly, I can't take gore :x just violence) and oftentimes necessary. But sad when applied to the wrong people.
... death? A complete mystery. I try not to think about it.
... God? Many things to many people. I'm an agnostic, but I'd probably be better classified as "don't care." Awesome things have been done in the name of God, as have awful things.
Two-Hands. Fry-Face. Manslayer. Pray tell, what is your outlaw nickname and its purely fictional origin? Hester, after the heroine of Hawthorne's novel. Because a) I'm obsessed with that book, and b) I tend to have that "fuck you world" attitude she has in the beginning scene, sometimes used as a mask. And I have trouble dealing with the laws of the land. :p
And what about your weapon of choice? Handgun. And my fists (this is coming from a former ballerina, so yeah, we're talking la-la-land.) :D
Which fraction (e.g. Lagoon Company, Hotel Moscow,...) can you see yourself working for/with and why? Mmm...I'd lean towards the Lagoon Company because, while you're a part of a team, you generally have a defined role. But I wouldn't mind the Church of Violence either--cute priests and a steady flow of weaponry. Or just some random job like Sawyer.
Which character do you consider yourself least like and why? Probably Benny. I don't think I would like behind-the-scenes work like that.
Music is the key. So what are the lyrics to your theme song? This is me being egotistical:
When they finally come to destroy the earth, they'll have to go through you first.
I bet they won't be expecting that.
When they finally come to destroy the earth, they'll have to deal with you first, and now my money says they won't know about the..
thousand Fahrenheit hot metal lights behind your eyes.
You're invincible. That crushing, crashing, atom-smashing, white-hot thing... It's invincible.
When they finally come, what'll you do to them?
Gonna decimate them like you did to me?
Will you leave them stunned and stuttering?
When they finally come, how will you handle them?
Will you devastate them deliberately?
'Cause I'm gonna guess they won't be prepared for...
thousand Fahrenheit hot metal lights behind your eyes.
Invincible. You're invincible.
That crushing, crashing, atom-smashing, white-hot thing...
It's invincible.
So, please use your powers for good.
You're invincible.
This was tied with "Sharada" in my mind. :x
And lastly feel free to include one to three clear pictures (no larger than 400x400, no cosplay and no excessive photoshopping) or a description of yourself. Dark brown curly hair a bit past my shoulders, dark brown eyes (they're pretty much black, honestly), 5'5".