Sep 02, 2009 22:24
I cannot wait until I can finally hook my computer back up. I miss all my music so much, I've been using my brother's since I moved in with him but I can't load it up with 14 gigs of music like I did mine. So until then I just listen to The Beatles and The Killers radio stations on
Aug 12, 2009 20:44
Holy shit, I just caught up on the last four episodes of true blood that I missed because we don't have hbo anymore and I was being super lazy about downloading them. And those were some great episodes and Godric is gorgeous.
Jul 19, 2009 01:28
I've been sleeping on average 6 or 7 hours a night which is a lot less sleep than I used to get (9+ hours) but it's cool I've adjusted I'm only tired when I first wake up.