A live one! I'd show you where it was but it's a screened comment and I'd rather show it off here because this one is hilarious. S-so many inaccuracies...
So I'm going to showcase the ratio of correct to incorrect. Bold is what they actually managed to get right, while underlined is pulled out of their asses, and clearly trolling stuff I'm leaving freerange for you all to go nuts on.
'I have a story that will strike fear in the hearts of anyone who lives in Oregon/SW Washington and goes to any official Pokemon events, Card tournaments, Pokemon Giveaways at shops, etc. This legendary whale of a human goes by the name BlackJack Gabbiani.
I had my first run in with her at a Pokemon Card/DS tournament at Rival Games in Hillsboro, OR. I went to the tourney with a couple of friends and it was filled with what we'd expect to see, Neckbeards, Parents, Children, a couple of normal looking dudes and this thing in the back. It had no real definition to it's body, it was shapes in the form of a woman, but I'm not entirely sure it was even human, she was so fat she needed a cane to walk around the barely 30x50ft room. So me and my friends are just sitting around waiting for our turns in the tournament and she comes waddling over to us, I notice her barely making her way over and I excuse myself to check out the Warhammer 40k mini that were on sale. My friends however were not so lucky, they get stuck with her. Several minutes later I head back over to them and they explain to me what happened. Apparently she wanted to see if they wanted to trade, but not for normal things, not things any sane trainer would ask for, no she was on a mission. She needed a shiny Oddish with a modest nature. Not because that's a particularly good nature, or that Oddish is a good pokemon, but that she roleplays and writes horrible fanfiction about. I was about to laugh that off but then they tell me she read them some excerpts from the stories, that's abit creepy to me and they told me it wasn't all family friendly work either. They tell me we should leave but I told them to stay until we get knocked out of the tournament. We all proceed to lose in the next couple of rounds and go on our merry ways. This concludes my first encounter with this legendary hambeast.' - /vp/ 4chan.
So ok. I've been to a few tournaments there, I asked around for a shiny Oddish because Domino had one in the Network, and I wanted to have her team.
...And that's about it. I never used a cane, I don't waddle (people who know me offline, you can attest to that), people trading love shinies, I never used the Oddish in a fanfic, and I never read anyone at a tournament any excerpts of anything I've written (what, do they think I carry my fics around with me? Although I concede that their friends may have CLAIMED I had, but they were lying).
So in short, factual fail, with the added bonus of that this tale has me doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. In their story, I ask for a specific trade and tell them it's from my RPs. That's it. I ask you, even in their exaggerated, innacurate version, what exactly was worthy of the moment that made it troll-worthy?
Oh yeah, and WHERE was this gem posted to me? On the post I made A YEAR AND A HALF AGO in bad_mods_suck when I got kicked from that game. So they would have had to dredge through quite a bit of posts to find it. Although I still give them a D- for effort.