[Forward dated to start Tuesday night, whole post will take place between Tuesday night and Thursday morning]
[With the arrival of those strange creatures along with the sheer amount of chaos that had happened lately and the Malnosso's tampering with the demon and no power cap, Yuber has finally broken free of his summoner and is acting on his own completely.
And it seems that he had been wrong, he was not getting sent back to his own world. So he can be free and among the humans in this place.
He waits some time after it happens to start with some massive destruction. He wants to wait for the humans to be asleep for the most effect. And then he will start burning down the forest like he had promised to Moro some time back. Then it was an empty threat, now it no longer will be.
And once he is done with that, he's going to go on a mass killing spree, or try to at least. It should be far easier with all these creatures here, his own demons being among them.]
[A few quick notes, see
this post for more details. There will be a thread set aside for people to declare what they will attempt to do to stop the massive forest fire and anyone can post an action there without risk of their characters being attacked, feel free to have characters interact in there as they help. I don't mind it one bit. Those will take place after Yuber has fled the forest. The only ones being attacked are those who volunteered already and have given me permissions for this. If there are any questions, feel free to PM me or leave a comment on the ooc post.
For times, Albert's thread will come first. Labrador's will be the last that takes place in the forest. The very last thread will be Sheik and Link. Anyone else who has volunteered can pick any time or place after Albert's thread and before Sheik and Link's thread. Nami comes right before Link and will be able to see them.]