Asylum Saturday J2 panel photos

Jun 02, 2009 11:42

I'll probably be spamming you a lot today with all things Asylum, so be warned...

Here are my J2 Saturday panel camera is not THAT great and there are much better pictures out there, but anyway!

These are probably my "sharpest" pictures...if you can call it sharp that is.

You can repost this or use it for fanart (even though no one will ( Read more... )

convention, jared, jensen, j2, asylum, pictures

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Comments 93

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blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 15:08:40 UTC
I have soooooo many blurry and bad pics. I took 1000 pics over the weekend or so and only a few hundred are reasonably good. :(


sacrament666 June 2 2009, 17:13:06 UTC
you know, these few hundred worth many 1000 good pics. You don't need to much, you need just amazing :) and these pics i see are gorgeous. Thank you so-so much!


kynikey June 2 2009, 18:04:13 UTC
Same here. I think it's kinda sad that not even people in first and second row could get really decent pix. I've seen so few that are actually clear and bright in color. =(


biffyhouse June 2 2009, 11:09:03 UTC

Okay so you probably know I am really jealous right now! I'm limiting myself to just looking at people on my flist's photos because if I go hunting around looking at everyone's I'll be really fed up ;)

But WOW, the boys sure were looking smokin' hot this weekend! Jared's face in some of them is priceless (bitchface and WTF face especially!) and Jensen look so preeeeeettty as usual.

There's talk of me maybe possibly actually going next year. Who knows?!


blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 15:09:38 UTC
They sure were hot!

Ooooooh, I wish we could meet up next year. Though I'm not sure I'm going to be going again next year. O_o


witchy78 June 2 2009, 11:09:09 UTC
Your camera is bad ass I think. Your pics turned out great.
Jensen looked like a kicked and wet puppy because of his haircut on saturday. Still adorable ;o))
thanks for the goodies


blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 15:10:29 UTC
Yeah, I also prefer the Dean haircut but like I said, his hair could have been worse. Or they could have had HUGE beards or something.


witchy78 June 2 2009, 15:36:58 UTC
Oh yeah the beards... I'm glad they didn't have them indeed ! I wanted Jensen to look just like dean ;o)


irsandyberg June 2 2009, 11:13:25 UTC
Awesome pictures Eve. They're so gorgeous.


blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 15:11:03 UTC
Oh my god, I really can't wait to see Frida's pictures. It was her camera wasn't it? They are going to be great!!!


irsandyberg June 2 2009, 19:50:01 UTC
Yeah, we both had cameras but Frida's got a great one! :D


gehirnstuerm June 2 2009, 11:14:48 UTC
Oh, hi there, Jared! *thud* Those pictures turned out really well! :)

Glad to have you back, btw!


blackbirdj2 June 2 2009, 15:12:21 UTC
Yay, I'm also glad to be back home. Or not. Have to start working again tomorrow. :( DON'T WANNA!


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