
Sep 09, 2008 22:40

Just doing my duty as a fangirl and adding my squee to the wonderful news of Jensen and Jared living together. ♥


It's so cute and adorable I'm almost crying from happiness.

jared, squee, jensen, j2

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Comments 31

ckll September 9 2008, 20:45:52 UTC
I'm crying here with you with a huge SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 20:49:21 UTC
I'm soooooooo happpppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ;)


kros_21 September 9 2008, 20:57:22 UTC
there is nothing left to add hun...
I'm so happy!!!!


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 21:01:05 UTC
Yay!!! ♥ It's the best news ever. :)


rachelroberts September 9 2008, 20:58:39 UTC
Omigosh really!? How do you know? Aww that's awesome. I just totally squeed!


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 21:00:40 UTC
It's all over LJ.

And it's here. :)

Jared and Jensen live together and carpool to work every day. They like to rib each other about who is lazier than whom in the morning, and it's very cute.


rachelroberts September 9 2008, 21:07:24 UTC
Guh, I just found it! :D

I live in a bubble sometimes LOL

I just came onto LJ for the first time today and haven't been on any forums so yeah that was a surprise to me. So awesome! Fangirls everywhere must be going crazy over this


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 21:16:26 UTC
Everyone in the fandom is pretty much going crazy about that right now. ;)


irsandyberg September 9 2008, 21:09:21 UTC
I think it's sweet that they live together. Kinda cool that they don't even get tired of each other working so much, that they live together as well. :)


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 21:16:41 UTC
They're so adorable! :D


irsandyberg September 9 2008, 21:21:04 UTC
Yeah, it's so great that they're such close friends!


alexa_paris September 9 2008, 21:09:25 UTC
Haha, the entire fandom is exploding with squee!

You know, this whole thing is starting to get more and more like a J2 fic come to life. Jared breaking up with Sandy, the boys moving in together,... Pretty soon feelings start to develop... :P


blackbirdj2 September 9 2008, 21:17:21 UTC
OMG you're right....OMG!

*needs to read some domestic J2 fic now*

But...you know...the feelings are already there. They just don't want to admit it yet. ;)


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