Aug 22, 2008 10:33

WOW, I wasn't online yesterday evening but when I woke up this morning and turned on my computer, MY WHOLE FLIST was full of the SPN s3 gag reel! :) I won't spoil any of you who haven't seen it yet, but just one thing :   ♥

I'm thinking that the season 3 dvd's should be out here in Belgium on the same day as the UK, so maybe they'll be in the shops ( Read more... )

movies, supernatural

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Comments 35

schnute23 August 22 2008, 09:05:45 UTC
EVE ! :D I'm so full of love for the boys at the moment, you have no idea. Well, ok , you might have an idea *gggg*
-> insert gutter girly thoughts here <-

What kind of movie do you prefer ? Romance ? Comedy ? Horror ?

I love Disney at the moment *blushes* So if you haven't seen "Enchanted" yet - please do. It's SO lovely and funny and it has Patrick Dempsey in it, Dancing :)


blackbirdj2 August 22 2008, 09:08:48 UTC
Yes, I do have an idea *g* Heheheheheheheeeee ♥

Hmm, I know which movies I prefer, but there's the four of us and I'm not sure which movies my friends will prefer. We've already said no horror (no Devour *sniff*) but that doesn't really narrow it down., I haven't seen it yet. I'll write this down as a possibility. Thanks! :)

I watched Narnia 1 again yesterday evening, so now I'll go see the 2nd Narnia movie soon! :)


schnute23 August 22 2008, 09:26:27 UTC
Oh please let me know what you think of Prince Caspian :)

Hm... you could always re-watch some Harry Potter movies :) Or have you seen "Ocean's 13" ? SO funny and full of the hottest Hollywood guys :)

A must see is "P.S. I love you" or "I am Legend"

I liked "Cloverfield" - if you want to see some action :)


blackbirdj2 August 22 2008, 18:03:04 UTC
Hmmm, maybe P.S. I love you is a good choice...however, I'm not sure the male presence in my group of friends is going to like that. :P

I think I have an idea though...ever hear about a movie called "Into The Wild"? It's about a guy who wants to go to Alaska without any money, etc. Apparently there's also very great scenery in the movie. And it's directed by Sean Penn. I wanted to see this one for a while but never got around to it. I just proposed it to my friends, if no one saw it already maybe we'll agree to watch that one! :)


talulababy August 22 2008, 09:09:47 UTC
"Billy Eliot" is always one of my favorite movie of all time. And you should see it if you haven't already. :)

Hope this help, I can't think of anything else right now.


blackbirdj2 August 22 2008, 09:11:22 UTC
Ooooh, I love Billy Eliot. ♥ But yes, I've seen it already.

Haha, I love your icon. So cute. ;)


talulababy August 22 2008, 09:17:15 UTC
Sorry I can't be more helpful. :)

btw, the icon is sharable, honey. You can snag it if you'd like.


biffyhouse August 22 2008, 12:30:42 UTC
You have seen 'Across The Universe' haven't you? :)

I just realised how unhelpful that suggestion was... I'm meant to think of something you HAVEN'T seen not something you HAVE! Oops :D


blackbirdj2 August 22 2008, 18:04:06 UTC
Yes, I've seen Across The Universe Liverpool no less! ;) My friend had bought it and the night before Paul's concert, we watched it on the tv in our appartment we had hired. :)


biffyhouse August 22 2008, 22:10:59 UTC
Ah, perfect!

Well, I hope you find something good to watch anyway :D


lierina August 22 2008, 13:45:19 UTC
I also watched it - lots of smiles, yay :D

Any recommendations of movies
Difficult because I don't know your friends and which genre they like ;) I would have suggested "Batman Begins" but you already said that you didn't like it so much. Movies I recently watched and loved: "Pride and Prejudice" (the one with Keira Knightley), "August Rush", "Love Actually", "PS: I love you", "No reservations", "Three to tango"...

You could also make a "theme movie night". Old movies, for instance. Or Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars...

Anyway, have fun :)


blackbirdj2 August 22 2008, 18:06:23 UTC
I think I have an idea. Did you ever see Into the Wild? It's about a guy who wants to go to Alaska without any money, etc. Apparently there's also very great scenery in the movie. And it's directed by Sean Penn. I wanted to see this one for a while but never got around to it. I just proposed it to my friends, if no one saw it already maybe we'll agree to watch that one! :)
But thanks for the suggestions. We could use it for another movie night, because I'm sure this won't be the last one. It's the first time though tomorrow, we just had this idea of movie night, so we'll see how it goes, but I'm sure we'll do it again! :)


lierina August 23 2008, 11:03:15 UTC
Did you ever see Into the Wild
No, I didn't but it sounds interesting :-)


kelzies August 22 2008, 23:49:22 UTC
GAG REEL IS MUCH LOVE <33 So freaking funny and cute. Good luck finding the DVDs, hope they're out :D

People probably already recommended many movies so I won't add any. Except maybe The Castle for a funny aussie movie? :P


blackbirdj2 August 24 2008, 18:39:46 UTC
The Castle? I haven't heard about that movie. I will certainly look it up! Thanks for the suggestion. ;)


kelzies August 24 2008, 21:40:11 UTC
No problemo. If you find it hope you enjoy it! But just a note - not all aussie familys are like that :P


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