video rec and Jared squeeing

Jun 09, 2008 18:41

Happy Monday, flist! ♥

I cannot,  seriously CAN NOT stop drooling over the videos of Jared at the DallasCon that keep appearing. Seriously, how awesome is he? I think I may have fallen in love with his black underwear now, and dude, his hipbones! Aaaarrrrggghhhhhh! 
And Jim Beaver...I didn't think I could love him more but apparently I can. That man ( Read more... )

convention, jared, video, rec, supernatural, jensen

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Comments 39

hotfuzz85 June 9 2008, 17:46:23 UTC
I have Smallville Season 4 on dvd. I kept rewatching the whole season for about 2 months. Just for Jensen. ;D

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Back in Black. IN liverpool. Your 2 loves. SPN and The beatles. (Yes John's my favorite) I hope you went and crossed teh zebra crossing ala The Abbey Road cover. Every fan should do that at aleast once.

Also, I will totally spam you one of these days and we'll catch up over Smallville S1.


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 17:51:07 UTC
Uh...the zebra crossing is in London, not Liverpool ;) But yeah, I did that several times as well. Barefoot like Paul *cough* I'm not crazy, I promise


hotfuzz85 June 9 2008, 17:53:09 UTC


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 18:04:52 UTC
Hee hee...ok I admit it, I am!


alexa_paris June 9 2008, 18:03:03 UTC
I just watched that video. CUUUUUUTTTEEE!!!

Jared looks so freakin' HOT in those videos. HIPBONES, nnggghhh!!!!

Haha, Back in Black, the SPN theme tune! lol I have it as my ringtone.


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 18:05:41 UTC
Jared is f*cking gorgeous!! *faints*

That video is so cute, isn't it? I can't stop watching it! ♥ I miss SPN...when is it September already?


ckll June 9 2008, 18:28:10 UTC
Jensen has an exclusive contract with Creation, so there's no any chance to appear in the Eyecon, hun


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 18:31:42 UTC
Huh? What? That's the first I've heard about this. How do you know this? He appeared in Asylum, that's not creation, is it?
Nooooooooooooooo, don't make me sad! I gotta have hope!


ckll June 9 2008, 18:42:52 UTC
I've read that recently and it wasn't any rumor.
Yes, he appeared in Asylum before he signs exclusivity with Creation.
They have the money to pay him.
Hun, i hope this is a wrong info, ok?


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 18:44:41 UTC
Ugh, now I'm depressed....oh well, I guess I'll have to go to ChicagoCon then. *cough*


sweetelfe June 9 2008, 18:41:27 UTC
LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE the video Jared is pure love on those DallasCon *sigh*


blackbirdj2 June 9 2008, 18:45:31 UTC
He's gorgeous, isn't he? :) Those people in Dallas were lucky to see him :D


babydracky June 9 2008, 19:19:53 UTC
Well... I'd love to go to Eyecon too... But yeah I'd prefer if there will be Jared & Jensen -__________-
So... For now...No^^


blackbirdj2 June 10 2008, 18:52:04 UTC
Yeah, me too. I keep waiting until I can get them both in one con. ;)


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