Girl, you can post the links all you like. You know what Crowley said about the bird, the mountain, and the spaceship? It'll take longer than that before I click on one of those links. ^_^ I still love you though. I just handed in my zillion page case study for Lit Research this morning, and I walked into my Bio class to find out that I had to hand in an article summary thing. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
I wasn't referring to you. I've given up hope of you ever understanding the allure of Gabrielle/Charlie, because the appeal is in the fanfiction. There are, however, other people who have me friended and SOMEONE is going to read those fics.
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Please don't kill yourself.
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