Title: When a nerd falls for a jock...
Chapter: 12/??
Genre: High school AU, Romance, Friendship,Fluff, Angst...
Warning(s): Bullying, Rape
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairing(s): JongYu (main), 2min, EunHae, YooSu, slight OnKey, Bff!OnTae, Bff!KeyJongHo
Summary: Jinki was living his life happily as a nerd when suddenly the unexpected
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Comments 19
You updated!! I'm so happy :'D
Jinki should have confided in Taemin-ah...but I can see why he didn't :|
Stupid Jjong T.T
Aww, thank you very much for reading and commenting! :] <3
The way the school is run is so interesting, and I can't help but be intrigued by nearly all of the main characters. And I'm still so very curious to know who minnie was talking about that had changed.... I have suspicions of course, but I'm seriously very excited for that part of the story to come out.
Ah~! Jinki is so unfortunate, how does he always manage to get himself into these horrid situations!!
Lovely writing and definitely looking forward to chapter 13 ^^
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year XD
Yeah well the idea just popped up in my mind this random day and I never expected it to get this far. But yeah... Glad you liked it!
Oh the person Taemin was talking about would be revealed later on. It might or might not be the person you expected it to be but you're going to have to wait to find out ^^
LOL, he is, isn't he? Let's keep our fingers crossed for him.
Thank you so much!! I'll try to update ASAP!
Though it's kinda too late for Christmas wishes...Have a wonderful New Year!! ^.^
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