Title: "Find Me For Fireworks"
Pairing: Jung Yunho x Kim Jaejoong
Writer: black_prophet
Genre: PYP: Remix, Flash-Fic
Word Count: 482
Rating: PG
Warning: Nothing Really?, Overall Shortness of Fic, Randomness, Author is an OT5 Stan
A/N: This is a Remix of the "Fireworks" PYP! Prompted into existence by
mylifegetoutw5! I hope you enjoy the read
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Comments 5
I am so glad you love the drabbly bits as much as the fics and I love your comments and I do love my bratty boys. *giggles and hugs you*
Ugh...Jae's blonde hair and gold eyes....the death of me...and Yunho-ah...they age well...*sighs*
Second: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PROMPT and the comments. <33333
Third: Sweetness, I am totally glad to write everything and anything for you. (Ok, mostly within bands/fandoms I'm part of, because I KNOW them and stuff...) If you ever need a little something to brighten your day, you can comment or shoot me a message or hit me up on tumblr (lu2stylelala.tumblr.com) and attack my askbox. I'll add a list of fandoms/ships into the master archive post. Anything within that list will be fair game for promptage, cool? You can also attack any "PYP" with your preferred couple by raiding my "pyp: pick your pairing" tag. I am always happy to do anything I can to make you smile. <3
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