This is my only kissing icon. Non-canon pairings FTW?

Sep 15, 2008 22:55

(Also I liked him so much better as Nine.)

Anyhow, meme:

Comment with two characters I write, and I'll write you their first kiss.Because I want to write, and my script isn't happening, so I might as well be busy in other ways. After I wash the dishes anyway. And make yet more lists of things I need to buy. Though I did pick up the new Terry ( Read more... )

real life: boys..., fandom: film!love, oxford, fandom: meme

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Comments 24

raedbard September 15 2008, 22:18:43 UTC
Do I even need to answer your first question? ;)

If I lived with you, I'd remember to go and *see* movies, rather than just feel guilty that I didn't remember to until they were over. #56926 in a long list of reasons ...

Um, hmmm. Toby/Josh (the second most predictable thing I could ask for, because even I like variety); Wesley/Angel (what? everyone piled on the evil for me!); Nathan Petrelli/Sam Seaborn (because Nathan-anyone-but-Peter currently hurts my brain and also - white starchy shirts of incredible pretty?).



black_eyedgirl September 15 2008, 23:44:49 UTC
Mooooovies. I'm gonna spend so much money now the cinema's just a walk away :( (And also: yay for list for reasons!)

Your last prompt is pinging me muchly. And they might actually have met! I think I'd have to go watch some Angel before writing the middle one. Tragedy, I know ;) Toby/Josh is harder than it looks, because I don't have much me-canon on their early relationship. I may even have to think about it...


black_eyedgirl September 17 2008, 04:38:52 UTC

ebcdic September 15 2008, 22:55:28 UTC
ari/vince! because ari would so do it if it made vince happy. or eric happy. ;)


black_eyedgirl September 15 2008, 23:47:18 UTC
*g* Meanie! That's the hardest combination of those three, and I was just thinking 'well, I've done Eric/Vince, and Eric/Ari, I guess Ari/Vince is next, but how would I...?' and now I'm gonna have to do it! It's all there, tempting me ;)


ebcdic September 15 2008, 23:51:59 UTC
i know i'm evil, but i was just thinking the same thing: it's the only one left to write. so if you write it; i'll write it too! :)


black_eyedgirl September 15 2008, 23:56:16 UTC
Okay then, pinkie swear, I will if you will *g*

(Pretty icon!)


thecolourclear September 15 2008, 23:24:26 UTC

Or ...



HRG/Toby might be nice too. :)


black_eyedgirl September 15 2008, 23:51:42 UTC
That's Toby/Elle as opposed to Ellie, yeah? Though Toby/HRG seems weirdly right to me. Maybe pre-series kissage... Ooohhh.... (I'm also tempted to give the twins powers and have that be why they meet. Why do all my ficlets demand plot?)


raedbard September 16 2008, 09:59:26 UTC
Mmmm, yes, Toby/HRG. I was going to second that request but I was afraid you might hurt me. ;)

(I'm also tempted to give the twins powers and have that be why they meet. Why do all my ficlets demand plot?)
*whimper* Okay, if you don't get round to that one, can I borrow ...? That's *such* a fab bunny. Braaaaaaains. :D

(Also Toby/Elle. Um, yes. May die of hot.)


black_eyedgirl September 16 2008, 11:41:12 UTC
Okay, I have no idea what to write for HRG/Toby, but I will try it. If some inspiration of some kind manages to make it through :|

Okay, if you don't get round to that one, can I borrow ...? That's *such* a fab bunny. Braaaaaaains. :D
*sternface* You may have it now, of course, and welcome, but only if you promise to write it. Because I want to read it now and it'll be better if you do it :)

(I cannot see how to write Toby/Elle in a way that makes sense in my head for Toby to do it. Elle, sure, for she has Daddy issues like nobody else, but the Toby-perspective is causing me problems.)


smilebackwards September 15 2008, 23:56:58 UTC
I'm on a Eureka kick. Could I get some Jack/Nathan please??

(I would also support the abovementioned Nathan Petrelli/Sam Seaborn.)


black_eyedgirl September 16 2008, 00:23:19 UTC
*g* I think I could probably manage some Jack/Nathan for you, yeah. The challenge will be not making it a sci-fi cliche ;)


melliyna September 16 2008, 12:06:18 UTC
Okay, here's my distractions (feel free to just pick one of these, I'm not expecting all of them)



black_eyedgirl September 17 2008, 04:41:31 UTC

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