Title: The Cierros Transgression -- "Pentimento"
Summary: Sometimes a one-way street is the only way out.
Characters: Two OCs
Rating: R for language and themes (gen fic).
Warnings: This is a very alternate universe. Adult themes and adult language.
Spoilers: No.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Never will.
NOTES: This is a bonus chapter for The Cierros
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Comments 18
I definitely have to go back and do a quick read through yet again. LOL
Funny, how you mentioned when this fic first started because my computer crashed for the last time and I've been backing up and going through old e-mails and came across an e-mail I sent to a friend that read "you have to read this vampire fic...it's awesome." It was dated Nov 2007. I actually thought it was a mistake at first. I didn't realize this fic went back that far.
Great job! Looking forward to the end of May. :)
I definitely have to go back and do a quick read through yet again. LOL
Funny, how someone mentioned when this fic first started because my computer crashed for the last time and I've been backing up and going through old e-mails and came across an e-mail I sent to a friend that read "you have to read this vampire fic...it's awesome." It was dated Nov 2007. I actually thought it was a mistake at first. I didn't realize this fic went back that far.
You guys did a great job as usual! Looking forward to the end of May. :)
Yeah, this story's been brewing a loooooong time. We began it back when we were still writing Aftershocks. We probably will not meet Mason again (though we never say never), but Sid is a different story.
The one of us who's been the driving force behind this ficverse has run upon very stressful RL stuff that has demanded all her time, creativity, and energy. We miss the story too. It's good to know you're there, btw, so thank you.
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Everything is okay, and in fact we have been working on the upcoming segment; we edited some new bits into place this morning. Mostly, work and other RL issues have slowed us way down, but we are very invested in this story and are working on it.
Thank you so much for your kind words. It's very encouraging and we appreciate it more than you might imagine.
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