Title: The Bold One (2 of 2)
Pairing: OC: Rincor x Irys
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: Drabble
Rating: PG
A/N: More reactions to the tumblr prompt post I made! This stars my Original Character, Rincor and Irys the OC of my sexy darling
myeyeswillclose interacting. If you read, I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: Rin’s mine, Irys is Xi’s… Yes it’s more complicated than that, but that’s really all you need to know.
Warning: This is a completely original work starring an original character and an OC that I borrow the presence of with full permission. They are ours, please no touchy.
Rin could forgive a great many things, or never care about them enough to be insulted in the first place, it was true. But he could not forgive the scent of a stranger on that familiar flesh, the skin of a body shared by two souls, only one of which he was allowed to touch. Pinning Irys to the bed, he did not bother to restrain his growl “Who did you allow to touch you, WanderingSoul?”
Well... Ummm... Yeah.