[OneShot] A Reason Why Lee DongHae Loves Lee HyukJae the Most in This Whole Wide World, HyukHae

Oct 28, 2008 22:49

Title : A Reason Why Lee DongHae Loves Lee HyukJae the Most in This Whole Wide World

Author : freedomthisway

Rating : PG

Character/Pairing : Donghae-centric, slightly EunHae

Genre : Fluff and some crack, I guess??

Summary : A reason why Donghae loves Hyukjae the most in this whole wide world.

Author’s note : It’s Donghae-centric. And how Donghae is in this story of mine is how I see Donghae in real life. So if there’s any Donghae’s shipper out there who is offended by how I describe Donghae, please be calm and don’t take this the wrong way. I am, if anything is a Super Junior BIG fan. And I love all 13 of them (plus Henry and a little bit of Zhou Mi) almost equally. And EunHae is my # 1 kink OTP. *grin*

"Lee Donghae loves Lee Hyukjae the most in this whole wide world..."

fandom: super junior, oneshot fic, my muses flows, ultimate otps, pairing: hyukhae

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