Sixteenth Reap → Action

Apr 30, 2010 16:59

[Ragna is pretty irritated with how he acted around Noel a few days ago, so he's out on a walk to clear his mind. He seriously wasn't scared by those thought bubbles, was he? Yes.

Whatever. It didn't really matter right now. What did matter was that he was out and about by the lake, being all Ragna-like. Just looking less pissed than usual.]

it was ominous like a ghost, not too thrilled, totally noel related

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awakenedchaos April 30 2010, 21:16:36 UTC
[The lake, huh? How convenient~ A certain silver-haired Murakumo unit also happens to be idling around there right now, having moved to the lake once again after staying in the mountains for a while.

...Let's see how long it'll take until one of the two spots the other, shall we?]


black_onslaught April 30 2010, 21:18:57 UTC
[This is Ragna. His Nu senses are tingling, and he's going to quickly be hiding behind a tree. Or a bush. Something that won't let him be easily spotted.]


awakenedchaos April 30 2010, 21:26:39 UTC
[Hiding, Ragna? Really? Well, fine, then. Go ahead and hide. ν-13, meanwhile, will be stepping a bit closer to the edge of the lake. Looks like she hasn't noticed his presence yet...

...or has she? Hmm.]


black_onslaught April 30 2010, 21:53:58 UTC
[Maybe he shouldn't be so curious as to stick around and see what she was up to... but he can't help it. It's good to know what your enemies are up to after all. So whether Nu noticed Ragna already or not, he's sticking to his hiding spot and spying on her.]


awakenedchaos April 30 2010, 22:10:10 UTC
[She doesn't really seem to be doing anything noteworthy - if anything, it looks like she's just staring out at the lake right now. Maybe she's just that bored? Who knows. It's a possibility, at least.]


black_onslaught May 1 2010, 12:51:07 UTC
[Well. That's not entertaining or useful for him at all. Maybe he should just leave now, while he has a chance.]


awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 12:59:00 UTC
[He could, but that's assuming she's unaware of his presence, isn't it? Because that might not be the case. Why?

Well. Give it another brief moment, and there'll be a rather bright flash of light. By the time it fades, ν-13... is nowhere to be found. Or so it seems. Why yes, that's the same trick she used against Noel last time.

Where did she go? Hm... I wonder, I wonder~ Maybe Ragna should try looking around a little.]


black_onslaught May 1 2010, 13:01:14 UTC
[Oh crap. This isn't good. Ragna instinctively reaches for Blood-scythe's hilt, and starts to move from his position. He wasn't going to look around; he was getting the hell out of there.]


awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 13:07:46 UTC
[And that reaction is just what she was hoping for. Well, minus him starting to move away, but... hey, it's close enough.]

Aww, you're leaving already, Ragna~? [That almost sounded a little... disappointed. Huh. As for where her voice's coming from?

Try looking up, Ragna. Someone's not above making use of her hovering ability today~]


black_onslaught May 1 2010, 15:21:30 UTC
[Ragna nearly jumps out of his boots. He's really jumpy today, isn't he? But that's besides the point. He turns and looks up, hands still on Blood-scythe, and he is damn well ready to stab whatever the hell he can reach.]

I've got more important things to do than wasting my time on you.


awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 15:36:13 UTC
[That? Earns him a giggle. ν-13 won't stay in the air, though - she'll land on the ground a small distance away from him.]

But Ragna... It's been sooo long since I got to see you. Can't we spend a little time together? ...Just the two of us? [When was the last time she saw him in person? Three months ago? They did talk through the journals since then, but... that's just not the same.]


black_onslaught May 1 2010, 18:17:03 UTC
[Ragna swings Blood-scythe in the air in front of him. It's how he shows he's threatening her.]

How about you go drown in the lake, and I'll watch?


awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 18:59:34 UTC
[And she's completely and utterly unfazed by that.]

...But that's not fun, Ragna. Couldn't we do something a little more... enjoyable? For both of us? [Dying isn't exactly her definition of fun, after all.]


black_onslaught May 1 2010, 19:15:01 UTC
[Handwave.] If it's not that, then it's not fun for me. Bye. [Walking away now.]


1/2 awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 19:30:33 UTC
[Wait... what? He's... just going to leave?

...He's not even going to attempt to kill her?]


2/2 awakenedchaos May 1 2010, 19:37:22 UTC
[...What. That's not how he normally acts! Something's... something's wrong here. And that's her cue to grab the sleeve of his jacket.]

No! You can't do that! You can't just leave after we finally got to meet again after so long! [She sure as hell isn't going to let him, that's for sure.]


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