Crashed 3/? Brian/Justin Episode 510 AU

Oct 10, 2007 17:42

Title: Crashed 3/?
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Genre: Brian/Justin
beta: me
Summary: AU after the bombing in 510
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine and I have no right to steal them, so I'm borrowing them. Crashed is by Daughtry and I think it's the perfect Bristin song - any youtube video making people out there, PLEASE make a Bristin vid to Crashed!

THANKS TO ALL WHO FEEDBACKED! IT WAS OVERWHELMING to have so many people respond to a first time fic! THANKS SO MUCH! I'm sorry for the ending- it's another evil one!!!!


Brian Kinney had never been more terrified over anything in his life. He stood and watched as the men began CPR on the blond- Boy Wonder, as Michael would say. If only Michael knew how wondrous Justin truly was, he'd understand how Brian had become so enraptured by the mere child.

But Justin had always been far from being a child, or even a teenager. Justin had always been right that he was one of the most mature people Brian knew. Justin had an incredible knack for reading people, Brian in particular. Brian always marveled at how the teen could understand his complex emotions so easily, when Brian himself couldn't figure them out.

Brian wished Justin could explain to him right in that second what he was feeling as he watched the two men working to save his young lover's life.

But he wasn't an idiot and Brian knew exactly what he felt: terror.

He watched as they did the best they could to get Justin on the stretcher to carry him out, even though they hadn't gotten a pulse yet. Brian raced after them, grateful to be out of the inferno.

The air was still smoky, but at least he could breathe and that meant Justin would be able to breathe better as well, if he was even breathing.

"BRIAN!" he heard Jennifer screaming as she ran up and he caught her as she went to rush the gurney. "JUSTIN!" she whimpered at first but said whimpers turned to sobs as she watched helplessly while her son's life slipped away.

"Just let them work," Brian whispered to her, trying to reassure himself at the same time. "They need room if they're going to save him and get him stable enough to take to the hospital."

"Justin! Justin… Baby… please…just… don't die on me or Molly," Jennifer told him

Her grip on Brian eased up a little as they started getting him hooked up to a bag to help him breathe, which must have meant they found a pulse.

"We have to move now. He's losing blood too fast. Let's go and work on the way," one man said.

"I'm going with you," Jennifer spoke up. "I'm his mother."

Brian watched and said nothing as Jennifer got up in the ambulance and he hated her in that moment for being his mother and for encouraging him to be his own person and fostering his independence. That same independence is what had caused him to move out in the first place and believe in changing the world, instead of living in it. Had she not been such an accepting and understanding mother, Justin wouldn't have been there. As soon as he thought the thoughts, he pushed them away. Justin did exactly what he wanted, regardless of anyone else.

"Brian!" Jennifer's voice snapped him out of his reverie. "Come with us."


"Ma'am, we have to-"

"He's his partner. He's coming with us. We'll stay out of the way."

They sighed but in the end, Brian found himself staring at a small patch of blond hair the entire ride as they worked on stabilizing him and checking him for glimmers of hope.

It was painfully ironic how Jennifer held his hand the entire way to the hospital, where not even three years ago, she'd all but banned him from being within ten feet of her son.

"How… can this be happening again?" Jennifer asked him silently, with her grip on his hand and the way she rested her head against his shoulder.

The truth was? He didn't know. He had no fucking explanation as to why a young boy had to go through this kind of shit so frequently.

Upon arriving to the hospital, Justin was whisked away into a room and he and Jennifer stood outside, watching through the windows as doctors and nurses cut Justin's clothes away and started working on him. Machines were brought in and a tube was put down his throat.

"He's… he can… make it through this," she said quietly. "He's made it through everything else."

"Yeah," Brian responded skeptically. The more he watched them do to the blond, the more terrified he became and the more he wanted desperately to turn back time and have been there with Justin. Had he been there, they would have been in the backroom and no where near the bar.

"Brian!" he heard and turned to see the cavalry arriving and nurses ushering them all back down to the waiting area. He was reluctantly to leave Justin and he knew from that day forth, he'd be reluctant to leave him even to go to the bathroom. He kept trying to figure out how this could happen to such a wonderful person again. How could the universe keep hurting one boy? His boy.

"Brian, how's Sunshine?" Deb asked, worried as hell. Everyone, he could tell, was worried as hell and scared yet grateful it wasn't them or their lover.

"We don't know," Jennifer responded sadly. "We… they're working on him. We don't know. No one has told us anything except it's bad."

Brian couldn't sit and standing seemed like too much too, so he leaned against the back of a chair. He looked down when he felt Emmett's hand on his and Michael's hand on his back, but all he wanted was Justin. All he wanted was to kick and scream like a child throwing a fit. He would have too, if he thought it would have helped.

But he knew it wouldn't. He knew there was nothing he could do; he'd done all he could. The rest was up to Justin, the small blond that had owned his heart since… since he didn't even know.

To pass the time, he tried thinking about the moment he knew he was getting into trouble with the blond. He ran over all the moments in his head that stuck out to him when it came to Justin. His fondest memories were, of course, the sexual ones where Justin's insatiable need and hunger for touch and contact seemed to explode and erupt from every cell in his body.

Justin could be highly explosive if Brian played him right and slowly seduced him, starting from just licking his neck slowly to caressing his balls lightly, feather touches. Light touches drove Justin wild and crazy with passion, but he loved them so much that he would sit on the couch watching a movie, and allow Brian all the slow and tender touches he pleased until it was too much and Justin would suddenly attack him. Brian took him so hard those nights, fucking them both into oblivion until they'd practically died from the heat and desire they had for each other.

Brian knew he was getting distracted from trying to remember that moment, but when the distraction involved the recollection of how Justin skin tasted under his lips, he welcomed it.

He remembered the night they'd finally had sex again after the entire cancer ordeal. He'd been ecstatic and humored when a fight with his mother had given him an erection and the first person he thought about was Justin, so that moment must have been before that.

He thought about the night Justin had come into his office and informed Brian that he "knew what was expected of him". Christ that had been hot. It was as if Justin had secretly known that the one thing Brian had always wanted to do with him was get him on his back and sprawled out on his desk at work. But even before that night, Brian had known that Justin would come to his senses and come back to him, so that moment must been before that as well.

He wondered-


His ears focused on Jennifer's voice before his sight came back into focus and all those memories slipped away, like he feared Justin's life was.

"The doctor-" she said and they turned as one of the doctor's came up to the group. "Doctor, how is my son?"

"Justin's heart stopped, twice now, but we've managed to restart it. He's very critical." Heart stopped. "There's a metal pipe through his side that may have hit a kidney." Twice. "We're worried about internal bleeding. We also had to inflate his lung. We're prepping him for surgery now." Lung and heart. "I don't know how long it will take as we don't know how much internal damage has happened, until we can get the pipe removed from his torso and his leg and start repairing damage." Heart stopped twice. "The surgery will most likely take several hours."

Brian felt sick, nauseously, violently sick. He kept hearing those words and had trouble focusing on anything else but "heart stopped twice".

Justin had died twice, or at least tried to die, or almost died. Twice.

"What are his chances?" he heard Jennifer ask, barely managing to keep it together.

"There's been a severe loss of blood. He has several shards of glass embedded in his skin and that also needs to be taken care of. We have our neurologist coming in to access the damage to his wrist and hand. We don't know what is repairable or not. We will try to save his life by any means we can. But his chances are not good when he's having enough trouble staying alive before surgery."

Brian broke down at that. Justin was fighting for his life. He was having a hard time staying alive and breathing and living. His body was trying to kill him. His poor body had been through so much already and his mind and heart had been tortured worse, by Brian.

Perhaps if he'd loved Justin more or better, fought harder to have him and keep him, not let him leave in the first place, told him the things he'd needed to hear or perhaps if he'd stopped refusing to be what Justin wanted or needed, perhaps then his heart would be stronger and wouldn't be breaking, stopping, ceasing to beat.

Brian's legs gave out on him and he found himself crumpled onto the floor, hands buried in his face as he cried.

For the first time ever, he sobbed.

Justin was dying.

To be continued...



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