(no subject)

Sep 23, 2007 12:07

Title: Ways of Life That Never Happened to Brian and Justin 5A: Gossip
Author: Sharp
Summary: The gang is a group of teenagers going to school at a posh boarding school.
Disclaimer: Don't own Brian and Justin. This was inspired by the Gossip Girl series of books by Cecily von Ziesegar, and naturally will have some similarities such as quotations from the original text.
Author's Notes: The titles of each of the sections come from songs played in Queer as Folk during the scene or series of scenes that I am trying to replicate in an AU setting. It'll become clear when you read it.
Things to Look For: Yeah, because I am just that self-absorbed. Um, try to notice how since it's about gossip, the writing style is detatched. No emotions or thoughts or anything. And it's short, hinting at the lack of detail in gossip.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

hey bitches!

Ever wondered what the lives of the gossip whores are really like? The ones whose faces and names make our hierarchal little community what it is? They wear all the right clothes - maybe not because they have a lot of money, but because they have taste and style and know how to pick 'em. You want every single one of us, and don't pretend you don't.

Welcome to Liberty Preperatory School. Here, we drink and play, sometimes eat and always sleep - usually with each other. We live in well-furnished dorms with all the right color schemes - because that's just how we do it. We have unlimited access to drugs and booze and fake IDs, because we're all here for the same reason. Our parents don't want us rebels at home, fucking with their business and taking time away from their valuable money-making. So our allowance comes on the first of every month, in thick envelopes on expensive stationary with no letters inside.

We're smart. How else could we have gotten into this expensive, elite private school we call our own? (Okay. Don’t answer that. Just trust me on this one. We're smart. Or at least, most of us are.) We're all gorgeous, by our parents' means or at the hands of Liberty Prep alum BW, a plastic surgeon in downtown Pittsburgh. We've all been to see him once or twice for something or other, and we get killer discounts with our student IDs. And we can dance and drink and smoke (be it pot or good, old-fashioned nicotine) like no one's watching.

Can you?

Doesn't matter. You couldn't live our life.


B ushering that sophomore from Atlanta out of his summer dorm at three in the morning on Tuesday. MN and D making out in Chipotle. T on the phone with BW's receptionist again, this time for lypo. E and MN buying school clothes at Torso. MM checking her OurChart on her Apple in Starbucks. L buying bras at that weird lesbian lingerie store on Sixth. What else is new?

And among the mass of incoming freshies… one very sexy little blond who makes you want to tie that school tie of his to the bedpost and have some fun with his cute little ass. Does that make us pedophiles, or does it just mean we have good taste?

Now, then. I trust everyone remembers BS?

His initials suit him. He's full of more bullshit that anyone, ever.

Just to refresh your memory, BS was a sophomore with all of us. He was popular, and he was a playboy even in middle school, back when he thought he was bi. Then he came to Liberty, had his way with one hot junior boy (we're all still guessing who) on his first day of freshman year, and decided he only liked boys. From that day forward, B(K), the gay playboy since grade six, had himself a little rival.

BS transferred out at the end of sophomore year, but lo and behold, he's back and hotter than ever. His hair's been bleached - the way we see it, there are three possibilities. Either he used cheap dye once when he was drunk, he got it professionally done by resident hair expert E, or it was bleached naturally by the California sun where he spent junior year. Whatever it is, he's the hottest guy at school right now.

And it's not going to make B(K) very happy, let me tell you. Not lastly because it means I have to write both his initials now.

I'll be watching.

Welcome to the Liberty Preperatory School Class of 2007-2008.

Cue the pulse to begin.

Until next time, bitches -

Liberty Gossip Queen
(Don't forget to link to me in all your myspaces, bitches. The freshies still haven't heard of me!)

"My summer was fucking hot."

"Oh my god, you won't believe what I did this summer."

"Wait your turn, sophomore, I was here first."

"Bitch. I bet my summer was more interesting than yours."

"Bet it wasn't."

"Bet it was."

"Bet it wasn't."

"Fuck off, kiddies. I need to speak to Mikey."

They scatter.

"Brian! How was your summer?"

"Fucking fabulous, thank you very much."


"What'd you do?"

"Ma and Uncle Vic dragged me to see boring old movies playing at this lame theater that only plays classics. After the tenth Breakfast at Tiffany's… it was enough, you know?"

"Eh. I had my fair share of fun with - what is it LGQ calls them? American Masturbation Classics. There's one with this football player and this campy little queen… damn, that's all I have to say."

"Vic brought some porn over, but - "

"You were too scared to watch, I know. Don't worry. I'll rent Dirty Dancing this weekend and we can jerk off."

"I'd love to, but…"


"I got a new roomie."

"A new roomie? But they never switch unless you - "

" - file a request, I know."

"And did you file a request, Michael?"



"Well… David did."

"David did? So now they're rooming you with him?"

"Um. No, actually."


"Now they're rooming me with a lesbian. They think it's 'safer for all involved parties.'"

"What the fuck - hell-o."



"Look where?"

"Over there. See that blond in the plaid shirt?"

"He's a freshman!"

"Yeah, and now he'll be a deflowered freshman. Later, Michael."

An exasperated, dramatic sigh. "Later."


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

breaking news!

Rumor has it that on September fourth, 2007, oversexed teenager BK made his first step towards adulthood.

And a certain little freshie, J, did as well.

They way I heard it went like this…

"You're hot."

"I know." Brian sidles up to the blond, leaning casually against the wall with one knee drawn up behind him. "Brian Kinney."

The smaller boy eyes him uncertainly. "I'm Justin," he says in a clear, not at all uncertain voice. Most freshmen's voices crack or quiver, especially in the presence of Unnaturally Attractive Seniors. Not his.

"How old are you?"

Brian never asks questions of his tricks, especially personal ones.

Justin crosses his arms over his chest. "I don't answer that kind of question," he retorts, and then screws up his face in a way that is obviously intended to be sexy. In a low, husky voice, he murmurs, "You'll have to find out for yourself." But his voice cracks, and he loses most of the intended impact.

"Do you have any plans for the next... oh... forty minutes?" Brian asks casually, already eyeing the blond's ass and liking what he sees.

"Not that I know of," Justin answers.

"Headed anyplace special?" Brian asks. Just to make sure.

Justin shrugs. "No."

Brian shakes out his leather jacket and pops the topmost button on his jeans. "I can change that."


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

sorry, all... bk beat us there

Well, by now, you're all probably wondering if what you've heard is true. And sadly, it is. Adorable freshman J, a virgin when he stepped foot on campus, is now officially not. He's been "touched by an angel," so to speak. But don't worrk. The one good thing that can come of this, boys, is that BK is so good at what (and who) he does that JT is now probably searching madly for more. And in a generous attempt not to hog the merchandise, there is, of course, BK's one-fuck policy that I'm sure we're all eternally grateful for. So, for any interested parties, J is located in Room 122 in the freshies' hall. Enjoy!


BK and J disappearing into the former's room, of course. E placing bets on what time they'll emerge, and T winning. D turning up his nose at such a "childish display." MN kicking rocks into the river, overlooked by a highly amused L. And, of course, MM and D getting stoned together and bitching about BK. And BS checking the rooming board to determine who he's sharing with. (What's the matter, BS, can't afford a single with all your bleach?)

I must be off, lovelies. Mustn't miss the second act.

You know. The part where J asks for a redo.

Until next time, bitches, and you know you love me --
Liberty Gossip Queen

"When can I see you again?"

Brian sighs dramatically. Why do they always have to ask this of him? It actually hurts, the tricks' idiocy. Don't they know they're only tricks? "You can see me right now," he suggests, trying to avoid confrontation with this adorable kid.

Justin groans. "I mean later. Do me again."

"Kid, you know, or you should know, that I'd love to do you again. Sadly, I have this policy."

With a frown, Justin asks, "What kind of policy?"

"Where I don't fuck anyone twice."

There, it's out in the open. The kid knows it wasn't because he was a bad fuck -- hell, can virgins even be bad fucks? -- or because he didn't do something right. It's just the way Brian is.

"But I'm really good," Justin protests, pulling at Brian's sleeve as the older boy stands up and starts to get dressed.

Brian laughs. "Fuck. You are, aren't you? Well, yeah. You are. However," he says, and at this he pulls away and bends over to put his shoes on, "I don't love you, kid. This is about sex, not emotions. Which is good, because I'm rather lacking in the 'feelings' department."

"I can see that," Justin retorts. It almost stings. Almost.

“Look, Justin,” he says, and it’s probably the first time he’s ever used a trick’s name, not just this trick’s name. “You’re a great fuck, and I’m sure you’re a great guy. Well, maybe. But it’s irrelevant, because I can’t do you again.” He almost wants to apologize, and it’s then that he knows he hasn’t gotten enough sleep.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

everyone go comfort him! now!

I’m sure all you kids were lurking in the hallway, watching and listening for signs of J’s let-down, so by now you’ll know that he has officially been kicked to the curb. Poor baby. For all of you who are of the male species, I reccomend you run, don’t walk, to his room and inform him not to worry -- that there are plenty of other guys who would simply love to fuck him. Or for you daredevils, go try the same thing on BK. I guarantee he’ll kill you.


Oh, come on, dearies. You all know what the sightings are.

You know you love me --
Liberty Gossip Queen

Let's Hear it for the Boy
"'Scuse me, I need to get in here."

“Hey! Kid! This is the Senior’s Lounge! You’re not a senior!”

“No, I’m not, but I’m willing to bet that you’d let me in if I offered you something.” Justin’s eyes twinkle wickedly.

The girl in the maroon vest isn’t particularly amused. “I’m a dyke. Sorry, kid.”

Another bouncer standing beside her in an equally tacky burgundy vest smirks. “I’m not. Tell you what, kid.” He takes a pen from his pocket and writes down the numbers 207 on Justin’s hand. “That’s my dorm. Seniors’ hall, obviously. Meet me there later tonight.”

Hardly believing his luck, Justin nods. “I’ll do that.”

The other bouncer glares at her partner as Justin slips inside.

“Excuse me -- sorry, just let me get through here,” Justin mutters as he elbows his way through the crowd. The room is more a dance hall than a lounge, really -- someone is blasting music from overheard speakers, and a good portion of the room is dancing to it. But he’s not looking for dancing. Justin is looking for Brian.

And sure enough, he sees the taller boy -- his brown hair glossed with sweat, a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up tossed on the chair nearest him. As for Brian’s outerwear, he is shirtless, wearing the school uniform pants, unbuttoned and hanging loosely on his hips. He is dancing to a song that Justin is vaguely familiar with -- it’s from Footloose, isn’t it?

Two boys are dancing pretty close to Brian, both of them clearly captivated by the brunet’s unbelievable good looks. But Brian doesn’t look like he’s particularly interested in them -- rather, he seems to be eyeing another boy across the room, with curly blond hair and vivid green eyes.

Well. Justin has to hand it to Brian, he has good taste.

He knows Brian doesn’t pursue people, so Justin decides to take matters into his own hands. Quickly, he speedwalks across the room -- as best as he can surrounded by dancing teenagers, that is -- and finds said trick. “Hey,” he says, and he knows that Brian is advancing fast, so he needs to work swiftly. “You want to come back to my room?”

The guy is obviously impressed. “Sure,” he says, and is just in the process of swinging an arm around Justin’s shoulders when Brian reaches the two of them. Justin makes eye contact with the brunet before heading off with the trick in tow.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

so now I’m an advice columnist.

Dear LGQ,
What can you tell me about BK? Do I have any chance with him?

*sigh* Everyone knows who you are, J, sweetheart.

But here we go. A brief summary of BK.

He’s seventeen. He’s been out since sixth grade, and discovered he was gay at the age of ten when his friend left some gay porn in his dorm. Then at fourteen, he blew the gym teacher, Mr. P, and then fucked him. He’s never bottomed before. From the age of fourteen on, he’s fucked every hot guy he sees, which is sort of a compliment, J, since it means he thinks you’re hot. He’s never been in a relationship, and has no intention of ever doing so.

His interests include drugs, drinking, dancing, smoking, anonymous sex and hanging out with his friends at the Seniors’ Lounge (where he dances and drinks), the Liberty Cafe (where he bitches at the employees and eats fat-free only), and in gym, where his friend L’s father recently donated a ton of cash so they have the exercise machines that BK loves.

That’s pretty much BK in a nutshell.

And do you have a chance with him? I’m going to have to say no, honey. My best suggestion would be to stalk him.


Username: BK
Time: 10:47 PM
Message: LGQ, I’m going to fucking kill you, you know that?

Username: LGQ
Time: 10:51 PM
Message: I know, babe. But you’ll have to figure out who I am first.

You know you love me --
Liberty Gossip Queen

(Not So) Straight to Number One
"Hey. You asked me to come by here after class?"

"Yeah. Uh... sit down."

Justin sits, crossing one leg over the other rather effeminately. "Yes?" he asks delicately.

"You want me to fuck you again. I... happen to think you're hot."

Silently, Justin rejoices. Score!

"As a result, and in the interest of my safety -- you know, what LGQ said doesn't exactly appeal to me -- I have an offer for you." He runs his hands through his hair. "I can fuck you. Regularly."

"And what do I have to do?" Justin asks, obviously in disbelief over the pure desireability of this arrangement.

Brian shrugs. "Nothing. Ever heard of fuck-buddies?"

Yes. Justin has.

Before he can say another word, his shirt is being pulled roughly over his head, and there's Brian, pressing his shoulders against the mattress, his knees spread over Justin's body, half-on the bed and half-off. His legs dangle over the edge of the bed, and his arms are pressed against his sides, all of Brian's weight on his shoulders. He does the only thing he can think of to do: he raises his head as high up as he can and pushes his lips against Brian's, hard. The older boy hesitates initially, then meets Justin's lips with an equal passion, both pushing against each other's mouths hard enough to bruise.

As the kiss continues, Justin shoves his shoulders out from under Brian's hands, pushing the taller boy's hands down onto the mattress itself, and reaches up to unbutton Brian's shirt. When it's entirely unbuttoned, Justin reaches back behind the brunet and pulls it off each individual arm, then rolls on top of Brian and begins planting kisses all up and down his chest and stomach. Obviously taken aback by this change of control, Brian squirms, but Justin just playfully bats his hands away and continues with his worship of the other boy's body. "So gorgeous," he murmurs between kisses, the words tickling the tiny, thin hairs on Brian's lower stomach.

"Justin," Brian begins, but Justin ignores him, continuing his descent of Brian's body all the way down to his cock, which he smoothly takes into his mouth. Immediately he feels Brian pushing hard against the roof of his mouth, and Justin sighs contentedly around the hard dick in his mouth.

Nothing has ever been so perfect. Ever.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.


All we have to discuss today is BK and J, kiddies, so if for whatever reason you're avoiding the latest gossip about everyone's favorite fags, I suggest you shy away from this one. However, two pieces of news simply cannot go unsaid. The first, we have from anonymous source (MN, undoubtedly): that BK fucked J again, and that the two of them are now in a fuck-buddy relationship. Which is perfect for us, because we get to see the two hottest boys ever make out and whatnot, but they're both still available to us as well.

And the other piece of news? Well, simply, BK is going to have to part from his little love slave for a few days, because guess what Friday is? You guessed it, you clever little fuckers. The freshmen are off on their trip to big ol' Manhattan. We all remember the trip -- the lavish hotel, the unbelievably hot guys, the sights and the skyscrapers. Well, J is off to the big apple, and will have to part from BK for the first time since meeting him.

Suck it up, princess. ;-)


E and MN having a heated debate in the middle of Bio-Chem. BK and J making out in the Seniors' Lounge. How the fuck does the kid keep getting in there? And of course, let's not forget T filling out an Absentee form explaining where he's been the past three weeks. His nose looks smaller...

Count on me to explain every second of it.

You know you love me, babies.
Liberty Gossip Queen

Boy From New York City
"Hey, have you seen Justin?"

Ted frowns. "Bri, didn't you know? The freshie trip to New York is today."

Brian rolls his eyes. "No, Theodore. It was two days ago. All the 'freshies' are back now. Except. Justin." He rolls his eyes to emphasize his point. "Do you or do you not know where he is?"

Apparently this is a hard question, because Ted has to think about it. Brian, frustrated, walks away.

"Are you looking for Justin?" a slim black girl asks. She tosses her hair over her shoulder, her lip gloss accentuating her pout. "He left. On the trip. Just disappeared, said he was going to his dad's, that his dad had an apartment in the city. And he said his dad would drive him back here. Weeeeell... he didn't come back. And we had to just leave, you know? So they're trying to get in touch with his parents." She shrugs. "In the meantime, he's missing class and won't pick up his phone."

Brian sighs. "I know." He reaches into his pocket and retrieves a small silver cell phone. "This, uh, this is his."

"I think I'd know my own best friend's phone," the girl replies. "So. Are you going to get him?"

With a dramatic groan, Brian slams the phone down on the table and hisses in the girl's ear, "Coming with me?"

Daphne laughs. "You think I'd miss this?"


Brian throws open the door to the hotel room. Daphne, waiting in the car, begins her stopwatch.

"Taylor. I drove all the fucking way over here, so now you can get on your stomach on the bed. You have five and a half seconds to stretch yourself well enough for... entertainment." He pulls the pale boy closer to him, kisses him hard on the mouth, and slaps his ass to get him towards the bed. As Justin rushes across the room to strip and spread-eagle himself,

Brian strolls leisurely across the room, looking over the balcony.

He must be counting down in his head, because it's less than ten seconds before he leaps across the room, pounces onto Justin, and begins the reunion sex.

Both are subdued, sweaty, and so infatuated by the time they walk back to the car.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

j is back and better than ever...

Well. BK and J are back! J won't say one word about his accomplishments in New York, and the jury's out between hustling and go-go dancing. A certain EH reports that J stayed in the hotel room the entire time, but then again, he could have just ordered tricks up to his room. We all know they'd come... again and again.


BK, J, and a girl we'll call D even though she has the same initials as MN's DC getting out of BK's car. J regaling tales of his trip to a loose-lipped EH. T and MM exchanging cash, presumably after taking bets on J's return. DC (MN's DC) going through MN's things. Oooh... maybe BK and J aren't the only ones around here with drama going on.

Babes? Don't even try to pretend you don't live for this.
Liberty Gossip Queen

High School Confidential
"Oh my god, you're the sixth freshman who's tried to get in here tonight. No."

Justin wiggles his ass temptingly. "Pretty please?" he asks sweetly.

The girl, whose dyed-black, rainbow-streaked hair is shorter than Justin's, looks him over and shakes her head. "Not going to work on me, J," she sings.

"C'mon," he pleads. "I'll... uh... fuck. I'll set you up with Lindsay?" he offers, citing the name of one of Brian's friends and one of the most popular girls in school.

She raises an eyebrow.

"Hey, let him in," a guy suggests, though it's clear that he only wants Justin admitted because of the fact that he is holding up the line. "He's hot. He'll take his shirt off. Sell drinks."

The girl groans, but finally slaps Justin's ass and pushes him inside. Justin forces a smile as he elbows his way through the crowd, but really, he is determined to do one thing and one thing alone. Anyone can see it in his eyes.

"Hey! Emmett!" he yells over the lounge's music, spotting a familiar curly-haired junior in the crowd. "Have you seen Brian?"

Emmett scrunches up his lips, forcing them all the way over to the side of his face. "Sorry, sweetie," he yells. "He's with someone." And Emmett points to the 'someone' in question: a new kid from Atlanta.

Well, that sucks.

So Justin will have to make the best of it.

He flirts his way all the way up to the stage and bribes a blonde cheerleader into letting him dance. She winks at him, obviously not recognizing him as the famous, and very gay, J.

The song comes on, and Justin's facial expression makes it clear that he doesn't recognize it. However, he dances anyway -- smooth and fast and sexy.

By the time he hops off the stage and finds Brian, he is so exhilirated and full of adrenaline that they practically fuck right there in the lounge.


Disclaimer: All names have been abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me.

looks like we have a new lounge dancer!

For those of you who weren't there (who wasn't?), J rocked the house in the Seniors' Lounge last night. We've decided he's the hottest freshman ever, so it's okay that we all want to fuck his brains out (or get fucked by him, as the case may be). I know I fit in the latter category.

Anyways, that's all for now. I've got to go develop my camera...


J and BK sharing a trick. Damn. That boy is one lucky shit, let me tell you that. MN going through half a pack of cigarettes in two hours. L and the bouncer at the Seniors' Lounge sharing a few drinks.

Living, loving and fucking as always,
Liberty Gossip Queen

continued here...


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