Title: Hand-Job Author: luceononuro Date: 2/25/05 Rating: R Cross-posted to libertydiner and bjfic Authors notes: B/J - Porn Without Purpose - written to amuse myself. Disclaimer: all for fun Warnings: None Complete: yes
//One of these days I have to tell this kid I love him.// One of the best fanfic lines eva. Woot! The porn was yummy, but this is what I really loved. You MENTIONED THE ADDAMS FAMILY! That alone makes me come twice, omg. So, I'm loving you for that because you know how I am about pop culture references, especially to television, ::ahem::.
And then I get to the end://“It’s true” he says “You really would fuck a cadaver”.// And you tie it all together. I don't know if that was intentional or not because it was soooo subtle, but as Brian Kinney says---
"It's always about sex, unless it's about death, but death doesn't sell tickets."
Yeah, well, in this case, I beg to differ, Mr. Kinney. //“Let me show you how I can raise the dead”.// She made that phrase erotic. She proved you wrong. Damn!
I may have seen a couple of typos. Do you want them?
I love that you get the Addams family reference - I was afraid readers wouldn't remember - claps hands and celebrates - and you tied the cadaver reference together - I should never under-estimate the ones I love!
the "Addams" family is obviously one of the typos - send me the rest please so I can spare the eyes of the innocent
I'm blowing kisses in your general direction - and when I'm done with Thing I'll send him along :)
Comments 35
One of the best fanfic lines eva. Woot!
The porn was yummy, but this is what I really loved. You MENTIONED THE ADDAMS FAMILY! That alone makes me come twice, omg. So, I'm loving you for that because you know how I am about pop culture references, especially to television, ::ahem::.
And then I get to the end://“It’s true” he says “You really would fuck a cadaver”.//
And you tie it all together. I don't know if that was intentional or not because it was soooo subtle, but as Brian Kinney says---
"It's always about sex, unless it's about death, but death doesn't sell tickets."
Yeah, well, in this case, I beg to differ, Mr. Kinney.
//“Let me show you how I can raise the dead”.// She made that phrase erotic. She proved you wrong. Damn!
I may have seen a couple of typos. Do you want them?
I love that you get the Addams family reference - I was afraid readers wouldn't remember - claps hands and celebrates - and you tied the cadaver reference together - I should never under-estimate the ones I love!
the "Addams" family is obviously one of the typos - send me the rest please so I can spare the eyes of the innocent
I'm blowing kisses in your general direction - and when I'm done with Thing I'll send him along :)
Good job!!!
Oh, and that last line...priceless!
Without plot, but definitely not without purpose. Getting Brian to give up his dignity for any reason, for whatever amount of time, always gets us.
"Without plot" - that's the last P in PWP! - it's so obvious now :)
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