(no subject)

Apr 08, 2007 22:39

I went to the meetup at Jo's house today, I had a great time relaxing outside in her beautiful garden ^__^ (eating skittles XD)
I hope you other guys had fun around the mall, would love to see some pictures!~

Here are a few of mine from the day (amoung the millions yet again)

Heee, its like he's taking the photo!

Basil giving me the look

I really want a boy Emma *curse you*

Looking gorgeous as always

My boy and the kimono I made him ^_^

Sexy man with the goods. (Sugared Almond I mean XD)

He may look evil, but he's really quite adorable :D

*Same thing cross posted to my journal, which you are more than welcome to add ^_^*
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