
A new song! ... and some small concern ...

Mar 15, 2006 21:38

While waiting for my driver to return from his trip to Spences Bridge, i thought i'd play around a little with GarageBand -- inspired, in part, by trade_q_t's recent interest in doin' a little dabbling of his own. How's that comin' along, Jon? -- i'd love to hear something!

In accidental honour of St Patrick's Day, i've put together something i'm calling "Three Breaths".

It all started last night up at Big White. I had a four-hour wait for that return trip, so after reading through two issues of "Famous" magazine, i punched up GarageBand on my iBook and installed the latest "Jampack" of orchestral loops, threw a couple of them together with a hip hop beat ... and let it stew for awhile.

Listening to what i had this evening, i was thinking that all GarageBand "songs" simply sound like GarageBand songs unless you throw in a sample from somewhere else. I knew i didn't want to do another dialogue-clip track, so i looked at my wall of CDs and tried to think of something that had some a cappella vocals ... and i found the Lament album (RealWorld, 1993). There are three a cappella tracks on that disc.

I started with Alanna O'Kelly's "One Breath" -- i dropped the entire 45 seconds into GarageBand and went on to look at the other two songs.

On the right channel is Maighréad Ní Dhomhnaill's "Seán Ó Duibhir A'Ghleanna", and on the left channel is Kevin Conneff's "Sliabh Geal gCua". I found that if i played all three at the same time, it was an almost beautiful cacophony. Hence, "Three Breaths".

I hope you find it enjoyable ... or at least interesting.

And in case you've forgotten (perhaps deliberately), this wasn't my first time in the Garage:

"I Love Like That"
"Fakeout At The Stakeout"
"Apocalyptic Language"
"Apocalyptic Language (Paul Owens Belinda Mix)"
"Now Is The Time"
"Three Breaths"

And for the small concern part of our program, i haven't yet heard from Steve -- he was going to call me when he cleared his trip. He hasn't called the Kelowna Cabs dispatch office yet either. it has now been about four-and-a-half hours since he left Kelowna. I kinda expected he'd have cleared after three hours.


And just now, before posting this entry, i thought i'd call him again. I got through this time -- he had just come into the 21st century in Merritt. He said there was no cell service in Spences Bridge and he couldn't even find a payphone! So, he's clear and all is well, probably about two hours away from home. And even more good news is that the lady paid mostly in cash! -- $300 in cash, and $65 by cheque. Apparently, Kelowna Cabs specifically agreed to allow the lady to pay a portion of the fare by cheque. The meter actually ran only $330.

I'm so relieved that Steve made the trip alright -- of course, he still needs to travel back through the mountain pass to get home, but i'm sure he'll be fine. It'll be close to midnight by the time he's back here and cashed out and on his way back home. I'm gonna give him the morning off tomorrow (or the whole day, if he wants it) -- i want him well-rested. He started at 7 this morning ... so technically speaking, his National Safety Code limit of 15 hours is up in about 25 minutes, but there's really not much we can do about that.

And, as it'll be too late for me to go out to work tonight, i'll start in the morning ... and that'll give me a chance to do a couple of things i need to do during "normal business hours", like purchase my 2006 Airport Licence ($535!!), check my mail, and pay my mechanic for yesterday's oil change.

Speaking of paying things, i should probably pay some bills tonight too...
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