Destined Hearts Caramel Pieces

Jan 05, 2006 21:48

Epic Fail
Chaison works on the four wheeler, with surprising results
Missing Element
Chaison attempts a romantic picnic with his wife.
Satan's Throne
Don't try to rush Chaison off the toilet. Phoenix learns the hard way...
Could It Be?
Phoenix wonders if she's having a baby.
Numbing Heat
Chaison tries to get used to the fact that he's about to be a father. Phoenix helps him out the best way she can.

Pickle Flavor Binge
Binge tales revolving around Phoenix's first pregnancy and the birth of Arizona

Thickness and Curves
Phoenix goes though the baby blues, feeling bad about herself.
Chaison's Empty Nest
Chaison realizes his little girl is growing up
Battle of Wills
Phoenix shows how no nonsense of a mother she is when having Ari in time out.
Ari's Tea Party
Chaison and Ari have a tea party. Or is it an etiquette lesson?
Coyotes and Panties
Chaison, alcohol, panties and fried chicken...

hearts on fire, index

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