I lifted the basic idea for this from
nolan_ash’s journal and adapted it slightly. Call it a form of brainstorming story ideas (though some of these stories would be pretty wacky). The idea is you list 12 characters without looking at the questions then answer the questions based on your list. I tried to come up with a mix of male and female, good and bad from varied fandoms.
My list:
- Death (Sandman)
- Zoe (Firefly)
- Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Muraki (Yami no Matsuei)
- Sakurazuka Seishiro (Tokyo Babylon, X1999)
- Cherry Darling (Grindhouse)
- Seguchi Tohma (Gravitation)
- Veruca Salt (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
- Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter)
- Sumeragi Hokuto (Tokyo Babylon, X1999)
- Saionji (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
- Aoyagi Seimei (Loveless
A scenario for a Six/Eleven fic? Seeking survivors of the zombie apocalypse Cherry Darling finds her way to Ohtori Academy which has been unaffected by the events of the outside world. Saionji plans to make her his Rose Bride and use her to wrest power from Akio. Of course little do they realize that Cherry’s presence at Ohtori Academy makes is susceptible to the zombies….
Do you think Four is hot- Yes, I find Muraki very hot which is very wrong given that he’s a rapist, a murderer and totally insane. I feel that I must stress I find him attractive as a fictional character only. I have no desire what so ever to meet real life Muraki’s. life.
What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Veruca and Seimei would actually make a very dangerous and charming couple. Their child would be the ultimate brat, demanding, persnickety, homicidal, and capable of epic hissy fits. Veruca and Seimei would dote on the little monster.
Can you rec any fic(s) about Nine? I really like
Archangel, a short piece, really a prose poem about and older Tonks and Gabrielle Delacour
Would Two and Six make a good couple? Zoe and Cherry would make an amazing couple. The combined firepower of those two boggles the mind.
Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? While I do think Tonks as a dark side (not to mention an interest in sexually ambiguous men) I can’t see her getting into a cold-blooded killer like Seishiro. Hokuto/Seishiro is a little more plausible. Yes, he kills her but in Tokyo Babylon the two of them are really more of a couple then Seishiro/Subura. They have a great time together and even after he rips her heart out Hokuto says she kind of likes him.
What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? If Tohma walked in on Zoe having sex with Seimei he’d probably start taking pictures for purposes of blackmail.
Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic. Hokuto/Drusilla. Set during Tokyo Babylon era. Subura get’s a call to deal with a possessed doll but he’s busy with other stuff so Hokuto decides to take care of it herself. After unsuccessful efforts to exorcize the demon doll Hokuto begins to suspect that something is amiss not with the doll but with it’s owner, a lovely, dark haired English girl who swears the doll is talking to her….
One/Eight fluff? Death comes to collect Veruca and Veruca refuses to go and throws a tantrum so Death finally agrees to give Veruca one last day. Of course Death has to accompany Veruca through this day during which Veruca insists on outfitting Death entirely in pastels and trying to get rid of Death by stagingn a riding accident, pushing her off the top of a double decker bus, etc. As the day progresses however they realize they sort of like each other and at the days end skip off hand in hand.
Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic. Either “No, no, I’m Fine, Really” or “Don’t Bleed on Me”.
What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted Four to deflower One? Deflowering Death is actually something that Muraki probably would want to do. First he’d have to kill a few people to lure her to him, then he’d probably need magic or hypnotism because Death is a pretty levelheaded gal and not likely to fall for any of his mind games.
Have you ever written or would you write Seven slash? Oh yeah, mostly Eiri/Tohma, but also Taki/Tohma, Sugura/Tohma, Tohma/Kitazawa. I’m planning a pre-series multi-part story that involves Tohma/Ryuichi and sturm und drung angst melodramatic Tohma/Eiri.
Have you ever written or would you write Three het? By the time I got into fandom I was pretty much done with my obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, thought I’ve written a few short pieces based on that fandom. I always liked Drusilla and Spike as a couple so I’d be willing to write them.
Eleven- slash or het and with who? Slash. Touga/ Saionji.
The sexual dynamic of a Two/Four/Five threesome? Three Doms with a capital D, two of them sadists and one of them a righteous warrior. I can’t even imagine. When semes collide.
What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? Wheeeeeee!!!!!!!
If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, which song would you choose? Little Miss S by Eddie Brickell and the New Bohemians. I see Veruca growing up into a poor little rich girl ala Edie Segwick-- a train wreck party girl strung out on amphetamines who always wants more, more more.
If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warnings be? Extreme violence, character death, implausibility.
What might be a good pick-up line for Two to use on Ten? “You like big guns little girl?”
When was the last time you read a fic about Five? I’ve actually only ever read a few Tokyo Babylon/X1999 fics. I actually avoid SxS stories because I don’t want them to influence my own view of the relationship so the last Seishiro story I read was a very rare pairing, Seishiro/Yuuto. I was sort of disappointed but I do think the pairing has possibilities-- there are some lovely pics of Sei-chan and Yuuto in the X1999 art book
What is Six's kink? The kinks of a woman with a machine gun leg…. Actually I bet Cherry likes age play, pretending to be a little girl and having her partner take care of her and lavish her with affection. Her life is harsh but a part of her wants to be comforted and loved.
Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? I think Saionji would be up for shagging Tonks but it wouldn’t mean anything to him because he thinks he’s in love with Anthy.
"One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? I could totally see Seishiro setting Death up with Drusilla (and they make a very pretty couple, don’t they). I would call the story “Death Comes For Everyone”.