Strength: Buffy the Vamprie Slayer Fic

Jun 10, 2010 14:47

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Strength
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Buffy/Tara
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 223
Rating: R
Author’s Note: Written for 10,000 Lilies: A Femslash Porn Battle for the promp “Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Tara, strong.”
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same.


“Hold me,” Buffy said. “Give me the strength to not go back to him.”

But Tara knew they drew upon each other for strength.

Tara held tight to Buffy so that she would not give in, weaken, take Willow back while she was still in the grip of her addiction.

And Buffy clung to Tara with all her slayer’s strength because the alternative was the madness of her relationship with Spike, fucking and breaking and hating.

“Make love to me,” Buffy pleaded. “Show me that I can feel something that isn’t a fist in the face. Show me I can still feel tenderness.”

Tara pressed her cheek against Buffy’s. Their fingers entwined and finally their lips came together, not passionately but with a quiet strength. It was a calming kiss, born of compassion and understanding rather than of frenzied need.

On the floor of Buffy’s living room they undressed, their naked bodies cleaving to each other. Buffy gasped as Tara’s fingers slid inside her, not in pain but in surprise that such a light and painless touch could still arouse her. She arched her throat, eyes wide as her body jolted in orgasm, relaxed then tightened again.

Afterwards they lay together, wrapped in each other.

“I’m sorry you had to see me this way,” Buffy said.

“I needed you as much as you needed me,” Tara told her.

fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, femslash/yuri

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