Title: The Way You Aren't
Pairing: HoMin. 's all I got so far, don't judge.
Rating: PG-13? IDK. No sexy times, guys. Sorry.
Genre: Is angst a genre? It could be romance, I guess? Certainly not comedy.
Notes: This is the first fic I have ever written. Feedback is appreciated, but please be constructive. I don't care if you're a bitch. You
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Comments 12
and now all this talk of spooning has erased the comment from my mind again. /chokesdies.
i enjoy how this is coming more and more alive in my eyes as you keep on writing. like, i'm seeing it happen around me as i read it.
or that could be just me half-asleep. BUT I LOVE IT NONETHELESS.
and ofc minho would be the concerned gurlfran sobs why is he like this ;___;
You are like the best person evar, jeez. Your comments on MSN and here help me figure out my direction and what I'm doing right and wrong. ♥♥ thank you, Appaaaaaa. I'm glad you like it. ;~;
Were this fic more cracky and had KyuHyun not been there he would have followed him home
he's such a creeper omg i love it. we need to add that into the other one somewhere
I really try hard to make the time slips seem as natural as possible, like how it would blend if it were in movie form. In my head, I try to line it up so that it feels like if you were walking, you were gradually changing scenery and moving into a different time/place, if you know what I mean. /bad at explaining
waaaaaaugh thank youuuuu. I type too fast sometimes, and I lose letters. XD When I'm online that's okay because the red line appears, but when I'm in YWriter it doesn't automatically show me misspellings. /fail
Thank you so much for the nice comment. \o/ I'm so glad that people are actually reading and enjoying this, you have no idea. ♥♥
Yeah, you are definitely a better writer than me =_____='
They way you convey the characters emotions is amazing.
Everything was like, perfect. omo unnie I wish I could write as well as you >
:3 You are so sweet omo *hugs forever* I'm so glad you like it haha. It makes me all warm inside to know that people are reading it and enjoying it. lol I fear people reading it just to appease me. ><;; *horrible self-critic*
Nooo~ Even though I'm not much of a DBSK fan and I can barely remember who is who, I really like this story.
It's beautiful!
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