#13: Рік тому в духвних джрлах сього світу: Putin робе Deep Cleaning рептилоїдо-мафіозного стєйту,

Oct 21, 2023 20:56

війна в підземеллях (тунелях) з інфраструктурою CIA світ звільняється від терористичної організації «Хазарія»...

Просто згадав набір музичок,атмосфер і флешбеків. Дощових таких, як мокрий світ з примарною ілюмінацією.[в графi Music вказано на конкретний фрагмент, що пригадався] [подібний набір мюзік з посилання на ютубі вже був колись із грозою в2022,але відос пропав на ютубі]

ждурні цитування з посиланнями


  1. https://vk.com/wall13739532_13615  «…Laura's Knight-Jadczyk's reflective response…» [The original post is found here: https://cassiopaea.org/forum/threads/session-26-febru..]

I guess you are an average person living an average life, right?

Like most of us.

Now, when I lived in Florida, I was completely unaware of the evil things the CIA was doing. I knew nothing about "Northwoods" or the activities behind the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I had no connection to the plots and counterplots that resulted in the assassination of JFK. Everything around ME seemed pretty normal.

And so it is for most ordinary people. They are NOT participants in the nastiness that their governments get up to. They are merely subjected to the propaganda that is used to motivate them to support the evils their governments do.
Looking at things from a distance, things in the sphere of international relations, CIA/other covert organizations and their activities, however, casts things in a very different light. You are either awake and aware, or you are not. And if you are aware of what is going on BEHIND the scenes, where it is certainly not obvious to the residents of a given country, they you are better prepared to deal with the propaganda.

You are obviously not aware of what your country and its leaders have been doing and so you feel baffled and confused because you don't see any sign of it around you. So it is for most normal, ordinary people. And that is one of the reasons we have this forum and the discussions that go on here. Because what the leaders of countries do does have a very definite impact on the people and it is best that they be awake and aware and informed so that they can make the correct choices as to where to align themselves.

Just think of all the US soldiers - ordinary citizens - who went off to fight so many illegal and immoral wars against countries that were, in fact, no threat at all to the USA - the USA simply wanted to expand its hegemony and get access to more resources than they were entitled to. Those soldiers aligned with the wrong side and many of them clearly knew it by the time the wars were over. Many, many, many of them were haunted for the rest of their lives for taking up arms in the interests of greed and power.

Well, right now, Ukraine is a puppet of the USA and its other EU puppets[…[


2. Заголовки подібної херні спершу знаходив на фейсбуці, легко, за пошуком ключовими словами мудрагельної конспірологічної попси+ додати юкреін
https://vk.com/wall13739532_13514 [в репості]


0. Хто їх, тих yкрєїнців, розбере…

3. https://vk.com/wall13739532_13475: так шо, свернуть на эту реальность всё могло очень давно, но конкретно ускоренно процесс пошёл с 2012. А, может, и с 2011.10...

переклад до застосованих музичок синхроногрульок

пісня, психіатрія, космос

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