[[Action Post]]

Apr 26, 2010 21:07

[Moro is wandering at the edge of the town, face drawn in a permanent scowl at the amount of noise coming from the human residents ( Read more... )

guilmon, celty, lillia, scar, ratatosk, frey, cheza, derek, ginko, san, raenef

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Comments 262

one_green_eye April 27 2010, 01:30:55 UTC
[Moro being Moro, she will probably catch sight and smell of Ginko before he notices her.

If she does, she will probably see something very similar to what her daughter saw-- as it is these thoughts that fill Ginko's mind often, when he's in the forest.]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 01:33:42 UTC
[Moro does spot him, and the images intrigue her. She turns her full attention to him, remaining silent as she observed, ignoring Ginko entirely to watch what he was remembering, the focused perception reflecting that in her own bubble.]


one_green_eye April 27 2010, 02:41:30 UTC
[After a moment-- Ginko notices her. He smiles a little and inclines his head, following her gaze to the thoughts that shift over him.

But instead of saying anything, the thoughts respond to her presence-- a man with a crown of ferns growing from his thatched hat. A catfish crowned with moss. Shapeless white figures sitting in a ring, suspended in the darkness. A snow-covered mountain, that at closer inspection is a great coiled serpent.



biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 02:48:32 UTC
[It's almost painfully clear in her body language that such images pacify her. She hasn't seen such gods in a painfully long time, with such beauty and power, and it eases her to witness them, even through another's eyes.

Echoing his memories, Moro grants him a window into her own. She thought in as vivid detail as possible, the eerie, beautiful form of the Nightwalker, of the boars readying for battle, of massive wolf packs, and of her own pups. She shares the images of her forest, where the trees were so tall they even dwarfed Moro, perhaps even dwarfing the mountian in Luceti, trunks so thick and the greenery so rich that it was impossible for life to be void there.

The playful images of spirits also came to mind, namely the kodama. Most spirits were of sound and smell to Moro - unlike Ginko, she could not see the spirits, only feel them, save for what was strong enough to be tangible.]


a_childish_lord April 27 2010, 01:41:19 UTC
[Raenef isn't a hard one to spot, especially with that little thought bubble of his over his head...which is currently blank as he stares over at Moro.

How come he always runs into her when he wants to go into the forest?!]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 01:44:33 UTC
[Moro's eyes fall on him, and she snarls, his scent altering her perception and distorting it into an image somewhat like this. And following that image, of course, is the misery and pain of a god turning into one of these demons, and the terror and gore that follows them.

She growls loudly, not appreciating anything that resembles such a presence in her territory.]


a_childish_lord April 27 2010, 01:47:22 UTC
[That's...kinda really gross...And his face really shows he's grossed out.

But he will step back a few feet. He's not looking for a fight!]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 01:48:47 UTC
[Several swift scenarios flash though her head, how to clamp her jaws over him before he could defend or retaliate, but realizing that such thoughts were open for him to see, she simply stood, growling.]


forestpride April 27 2010, 01:44:05 UTC
[you can probably find San without seeing what she's thinking. ...You also probably know that she's been in a couple fights behind-the-scenes and shouldn't be hunting]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 01:47:36 UTC
[She cannot stop her daughter, merely give her less reason to hunt. After all, death is not to be feared, and San should know when to retreat and when to rest, and if not, it is the folly of a pup.

Namely by doing a fair share of the hunting herself. As Moro looks at her daughter, San may be able to see exactly how Moro sees her - the form is distorted and almost ghostly; not human, not wolf, not spirit; to Moro, she simply was, and as abstract of a perception as it was, it was displayed in her thoughts.]


forestpride April 27 2010, 01:51:33 UTC
[and when San looks at Moro, it brings back memories of Moro as she appeared when San was a small child - impossibly huge, but comforting - and also of Moro after she bit off Eboshi's arm.]

A human asked to hunt with me. [and now her mind displays Sokka. He's pretty bumbling in her opinion]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 01:53:46 UTC
[The image blinks in recognition, as Toph also scrolls through her mind. It goes blank, and she simply chuckles.]

Those pups are likely too young and stupid to have the human arrogance yet.


friendofspirits April 27 2010, 02:06:56 UTC
[Lillia is walking towards the forest humming to herself mostly. She's thankfully not affected by this experiment, so no thought bubbles from her.

And she doesn't have any guns or gunpowder, in fact no weapons at all. The silly girl shouldn't even be alone in the forest, but not like things like that ever stop her.]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 02:07:59 UTC
[Then instead, she has Moro following, focusing intently on her, her perception bubble reflecting that.]


friendofspirits April 27 2010, 02:12:49 UTC
[Lillia will keep on walking completely oblivious to the giant wolf goddess following her. She's more intent on her surroundings looking at them with both the intent of learning the area and also an awe over the beauty of this place.]


biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 02:15:32 UTC

Just following, up until the point that Lillia notices her.]


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biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 02:52:48 UTC
[Moro becomes instantly alert, shifting her weight loudly to get Celty's attention.

It was not the images that caught her attention, rather, the scent.]


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biteoffherhead April 27 2010, 03:04:24 UTC
[After a moment, Moro emerges from the brush, the thought bubble immediately revealing that she was mentally scrolling through other inhuman scents to try and pin what exactly she was.]


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