Title: From The Ashes: Chapter 17~ Collision
Author: Anna (bite_or_avoid)
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Faith, Spike, other canon characters
Rating: From here on out, they're all M.
Word Count: 2,563
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon is an evil genius, who pwns all
Spoilers: All canon Jossverse for both series; I've never read the comics, so they don't exist
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Comments 28
Years of pent up frustration had to find an exit sometime and Buffy has finally pushed Angel far enough to get what she wanted. I imagine guilt will be Angel's first response; or maybe he has lost enough and come far enough to finally reveal what he really thinks his future might hold. Will it be Buffy?
Enough of my ruminating! You have to reveal the next bit of the tale because I am ready for more. *is greedy*
Oh, before I forget, great chapter, especially the present tense bits because they were visceral (in a good way).
And, they wouldn't be Buffy and Angel if complications didn't abound, lol ;)
I finally manage to catch up on this fic and you leave me hanging here! Evil woman!
This was so fused with engergy and passion, almost breathless. I loved it.
Angel has some splainin' to do about that curse :p
Btw, the past chapters? Your development of Angel/Connor and Faith/Spike (especially) have been wonderful.
Can't wait for more :D
Angel has some splainin' to do about that curse :p
Yep. And do you honestly think he'll manage not to screw it up? :P
Your development of Angel/Connor and Faith/Spike (especially) have been wonderful.
I really like Angel/Connor here because it gives Angel an outlet for emotions he would otherwise repress. There's at least one more really nice scene with them yet to come...
Thank you so much! Glad to see you're still reading this :D
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