Notes from the due South panel

Apr 10, 2012 09:55

Here are some notes from the due South panel! Under the cut is a list of currently active communities and challenges in the fandom, and also ideas from the panel about what people would like to do in the future.

ds_noticeboard - the central place to post fanworks and announcements on LJ
ds_snippets and
dsc6dsnippets - weekly challenges to write fics under 300 words
ds_ficfinders - ficfinding and recfinding comm

duesouth - the central place to post fanworks and announcements on DW

duesouth_kink - the due South kink meme on DW

Seasonal challenges:
due South Seekrit Santa - the winter holiday gift exchange (run on AO3)
the due South and Canadian six degrees Valentine's Day card exchange (C6DVD for short) - runs in January-February
Relatedly, there is also the Canadian six degrees Midsummer gift exchange, which does not include due South.

Multifandom comms which currently have due South content:
fan_flashworks and
fan_flashworks - bimonthly flashworks comm (multifandom and for all kinds of fanworks)
crack_van - multifandom reccing comm

fancake - multifandom reccing comm
amplificathon and
amplificathon - podfic comms

I am sure there are more, but these are a place to start! Also, there are lots of old due South comms on LJ which have great content (fics/recs/meta/etc) but I'm not listing them here (ask if you're interested, though).

Ideas for things to do in due South fandom:
- mizface and others are planning to run the due South and Canadian Six Degrees Big Bang again, possibly including more fanworks than writing.
- running something like the Stop Drop Porn challenges or porn tags that have run in the past, where you get tagged with a prompt and have 24 hours to write porn.
- we talked about backing up old LJ comms with a lot of great content (such as ds_flashfiction) to Dreamwidth, as a redundancy thing (I actually sent an email to the ds_flashfiction mod about this, so we'll see how it goes)
- running a Reverse Big Bang similar to the one in bandom, where a writer is assigned a piece of art or a podfic and writes a story from that
- some sort of due South podfic exchange
- a post where people comment with due South fics they would love to see podficced (this came from a podficcer who was looking for inspiration)
- reviving the ds_profiles comm
- centralizing and running due South events via the main comms instead of creating new comms which are not actually necessary

If I forgot something or you have other ideas, please comment to the post! And we'll see if any of this happens during the year--I myself feel very tempted to run a porn tag.

follow-ups, panels

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