This is a copy of the handout that we provided at the Vidding 101 panel. I'll be posting what I recall talking about at the panel separately (and hope
keerawa does the same), but that may be awhile, so here are the links.
Vidding For Newbies - extremely comprehensive; variety of topics, from beginning technical information to tips, tricks, and meta. A&E’s Technical Guide - The premiere answer to all of your technical vidding questions. PC-focused. A Newbie’s Research: A&E’s Technical Guide For Dummies - help understanding the aforementioned A&E’s Technical Guide by a vidder who was new to vidding at the time. Video Editing Resources - More technical tips with a Windows Movie Maker focus. The Non-Magic of Avisynth Tutorial - A vidder breaks down Avisynth (PC only) to make it less scary for new users. Mac Vidding Tutorial - These three tutorials are specifically for Mac users. Guide to Cutting and Synching Footage - thorough, technical look at how to get your clips to sync with the music. Cutting On The Beat - Further explanation of how to really cut on the beat. Design for Vidders: Making Great Titles and Graphics - how best to make titles for your vids using graphic design principles. Vid Feedback 101 - A post for beginning vid-watchers on how to provide feedback. On Being A Beta: A Personal View - Advice on how to be a good vid beta. 5 Steps To Becoming A Vidder - general meta on things to remember as you’re starting out. 10 Things I Know About Vidding - In both the main post and comments, vidders share the things they wished they’d known when they started. (I took all of these from my
Vid Tech memories; I've got 79 things bookmarked there, so feel free to have a look around in those, too. These links are the ones I feel are most important/appropriate for new vidders.)