Reg table volunteers!

Mar 16, 2016 10:51

Here is the part where I ask for volunteers to (wo)man the registration table! This is a very low-key task; all you have to do is hang out at the reg table for an hour (or half an hour, to make up for having to get up early on Saturday), mark people off the list when they arrive, and make sure everyone gets a welcome packet. Easy! Assuming we have enough volunteers, no one will have to volunteer more than one hour, and there will be at least two people (hopefully three) at the table at all times so that no one gets lonely.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please mark ALL of the hours you'd be available using the tickyboxes below. I'll email everyone by March 25th to confirm your shift.

Poll Reg table shifts!

If you're arriving after 10 am on Saturday, please let me know and we'll make alternate arrangements for your registration.

Thank you! <33333


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