RP with seriousmarauder

Apr 11, 2010 05:41

He couldn't help pulling a face as plumes of fog rolled in over his feet the moment he'd opened the TARDIS door. "Well, certainly wasn't expecting that," he muttered to himself. Bit of fog never harmed anyone, and he thought it was better than water rushing in--or worse. Then again, he hadn't been expecting...well, whatever that had been to ( Read more... )

*verse: ten in hp land, *au

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Comments 62

seriousmarauder April 11 2010, 13:21:02 UTC
In this particular end of the corridor, speaking of a dog's breakfast, was a very large, black dog. Well, large, but incredibly skinny. Even in dog form, Sirius was still being starved, as he had been for the past five or six years. He'd lost track of the time.

Still, despite the fact that he was feeling rather weak, the sound of the stranger's voice caused him to glance up curiously. He barked when he saw him -- the brilliant, mad stranger who was running about in Azkaban. The bark was clearly a pay attention, I can help sort of greeting, and he barked again for emphasis.


bit_impossible April 11 2010, 17:23:08 UTC
Oh, now things just kept getting stranger! He thought he heard a dog barking, but there was no possible way an animal was--but no, there it was again! He stopped, catching himself on the stone wall before he lost his footing, and saw the dog in the flesh. For a moment, he wondered whether the dog was part of the guard duty around this place, but he couldn't help noticing how gaunt it was.

Still he was cautious and glanced behind him. Those creatures were gaining. Just what the hell were they?

"All right, I don't know how you got here or why, but I'm not leaving you behind," he said, turning back to the dog. "I need to get back to my TARDIS! ...You wouldn't happen to know any short-cuts, would you, boy?"


seriousmarauder April 11 2010, 17:48:55 UTC
Sirius glanced at the metal bars in front of him for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not he was thin enough to slip through them yet. Luckily for both of them, he was.

His head was a bit clearer now -- almost like a fire had been lit. Somehow, he knew that if anyone could help him escape, it was this mad bloke with a...what had he called it? A TARDIS? Sirius answered with another bark. Of course, he had no idea where the thing had been left...or what it was, for that matter, but he knew which direction the Doctor had been running from.

So he lead him away from the Dementors, ducking into unguarded corridors and passageways, searching for a strange scent that didn't quite belong -- and then his nose found a big blue box. Sirius stared, confused, and pawed at it rather curiously.


bit_impossible April 11 2010, 18:30:09 UTC
He'd been about to use his sonic screwdriver on the lock when he saw the dog slip through the gap in the bars. How anyone could treat an animal like that was simply beyond him, but before he could even begin entertaining any notions of paying those creatures back for what they've done, he was distracted by the dog's bark again. He tore off after the it, surprised that it had enough energy left in it to run.

When he saw where the dog had led him, his face split into a grin. "Ohhh, you're brilliant!" he exclaimed, taking a quick moment to fiercely scratch behind the dog's ears. "Is that what they do here? Lock up people and brilliant dogs?"

He didn't expect to get an answer though and quickly dug the key out of his pocket and stepped into the TARDIS. "In you get!" Then he glanced up and saw those creatures beginning to fill the end of the corridor. Seemed the ones he'd met had friends. "Now!" he added.


seriousmarauder April 14 2010, 15:23:27 UTC
Sirius took in all the directions, and snorted at the implication that he might get lost. Padfoot was brilliant at finding his way around, as the Doctor already knew. So he shifted again -- the transformation was a bit easier this time, since he'd had something to eat -- and managed to find things easily enough ( ... )


bit_impossible April 14 2010, 19:14:22 UTC
The Doctor hadn't noticed how much time had passed, so lost he was in running every diagnostic possible on his poor ship--and taking a few moments to replace some burnt out wires and components that had bit the dust from the last spray of sparks. As far as he could tell, there was no reason for him to even be in a Britain where magic existed and babies could defeat evil wizards, though he thought that was rather amazing but embarrassing for the wizard. The ride through the vortex had been smooth; granted, there were the usual bumps and jostles on occasion, but he'd long gotten used to those ( ... )


seriousmarauder April 14 2010, 19:31:58 UTC
Sirius smiled a bit, fully catching the Doctor's meaning. "I'd be happy to show you around then, Doctor. If you wouldn't wandering around with Padfoot again, that is," he replied hesitantly. If he was going to introduce the Doctor to wizarding Britain, he certainly wouldn't be able to do it as himself, unless they avoided everywhere that was remotely interesting.

"I haven't really got anywhere to stay, except...no, wait. There is one place...it's hidden away in muggle Britain, actually, but if we can find a fireplace to use and some floo powder, I could get us there," he replied thoughtfully. He didn't particularly want to go back to his old home, but nobody was living there now, and it was the most well-hidden place he could think of.


bit_impossible April 14 2010, 20:35:51 UTC
"Ohh, I wouldn't mind at all!" he said cheerily, grinning broadly. "It's been a long time since I've travelled with a canine companion, well, to be fair, he was a computer as well, so technically I haven't truly travelled with a real dog. Then again...I won't have done anyway, since you're really human..." He realised he was getting very off-track and shut up.

A moment later, he'd been about to say that finding a place to stay would be of no trouble for him--he was well-versed in finding lodgings for the night no matter where he went--but he instead gave Sirius a puzzled look. "Flue powder? I've got a fireplace, one of several actually, in the library but you don't mean soot, do you? There's plenty of that there." To his recollection, he hadn't bothered giving any of the fireplaces a good cleaning in the past couple centuries. Thank goodness for the TARDIS air circulation and purification systems, he thought.


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