Communal New Year's Resolution?

Dec 28, 2005 12:18

I've been meaning to start this project for a while now, ever since a friend gave me a notebook he found at a medieval fair. The pages are small and unlined, and I thought it might be nice to fill them with little snapshot-memories, a sort of mental and artistic exercise and bank of story material. Looking back, I think I got the idea after reading the first few pages of "Why Write?" in Paul Auster's The Red Notebook, where he talks about the small miracle of having caught his daughter at the bottom of a staircase when she tripped at the top. With all the craziness of other projects, I never got started, but New Year's is as good a time as any. One a day for the year: "365 Days, 365 Memories" seems like a worthy goal.

And then I thought, why not make the first month a group endeavor? I'm going to post one memory here each day, January 1st through 31st, in the spirit of lysa1's Snakey Advent icons, and all of you are invited to post your own in comments (or links to your own blogs) as often as you please. They might be innocuous little moments or events or conversations that were significant or tell a story (I think the little ones will be more fun), from anytime throughout your life, as personal or as removed as you want. You dropped an ice cream cone at a theme park; a girl was teased for being too tall in the third grade; your friend's uncle once said you looked like a particular celebrity. We're brimming with them.

Maybe it sounds like a terribly adolescent exercise, but I'd like to think that anything that keeps you writing is worthwhile.

See you on January 1st?


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