Plea for academic assistance

Jun 04, 2007 21:21

Anyone who knows anything about pursuing Master's or doctoral work in a field that might support a thesis on fanfiction, particularly fanfiction as text -- preferably English, as that's what my background is in, but also perhaps cultural or popular culture studies (e.g. Bowling Green U.), (new) media studies (though not so much in the vein of Jenkins' Comparative Media program at M.I.T., I don't think), sociology, gender or queer studies, interdisciplinary programs, etc. -- please, please, please email me, or drop a comment and I'll email you. Please. One of my plans for saving my sanity is to apply to programs in the 2008/9 school year -- I assume it's too late at this point for 2007/8 -- and I would really appreciate any advice you can offer in finding programs to apply to or people to contact. I have a couple of lists to start with, but they are rather meager. At this point I don't mind where the school is -- anywhere in the U.S., U.K., Canada, or, hell, Australia; you guys don't seem to have as many hang-ups about academic work on fannish subjects as we do here.

(More on this soon.)

must go back to school

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