Memoryfest II: Recap

Feb 04, 2007 15:36

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memoryfest ii

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Comments 27

nicocoer February 4 2007, 21:19:40 UTC
I was doing it faithfully everyday, then I had life fall on me (financial aid didn't come through, wrecked the NEW car. . .) and Was too depressed to do anything. At some point I'll go back and do the ones I missed. I'm totally GOing to do this if you do it next year.



bironic February 5 2007, 00:43:11 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about all that. Hope things take a turn for the better with you soon.


daasgrrl February 4 2007, 22:49:56 UTC
I hope you won't be offended that I pointed and laughed at the statistics, graphs and charts. With extreme love.


bironic February 5 2007, 00:44:40 UTC
How can I laugh at love? :) It's just, there were all these bits of information -- they pleaded for sense to be made of them.


elynittria February 4 2007, 23:32:12 UTC
Interesting recap (albeit somewhat embarrassing; I didn't realize I was so verbose). Loved the charts! (I got to be represented by royal purple. Yay!)

I really hope you have another Memoryfest next year. I was torn in responding to the poll question about possible revisions. Posting less often makes the most sense to me, since it would leave more time for discussion of each post; however, it was always fun to read the "memory of the day." Themes would also be interesting, but I would suggest having only some of the postings be themed, with the others free form: some of the most interesting conversations that occurred were spontaneously generated and way off topic to a particular post.

Does the question about Sheppard/McKay fanfic mean that you might conceivably be writing some in the future? (I hope so!)


bironic February 5 2007, 00:59:47 UTC
Saw your *facepalm*!Wilson icon there and wondered what you might've been embarrassed about. I think it's nice that you were interested enough in the goings-on to comment as much as you did -- and I didn't think it was that much before the numbers totalled up ( ... )


elynittria February 5 2007, 01:23:58 UTC
This question was sort of a test to see who might be interested in chatting about it sometime.

I definitely am. And yes, I have tons of recs (three binders' worth, although not all of them are slash).


elynittria February 5 2007, 03:01:15 UTC
I just sent you an email with a bunch of recs and links for SGA to get you started. Hope it helps!


topaz_eyes February 4 2007, 23:52:45 UTC
With graphs! You are awesome, my dear.

Are you feeling the McKay/Sheppard love now? OHNOOOOOESSSS... :-P


bironic February 5 2007, 01:05:09 UTC
Yes, just from reading the fanfic. But I am a modern girl -- I'm all about open relationships. If I can read Remus/Sirius and BtVS and DS9 fic and enjoy many House pairings/groupings while loving House/Wilson, surely I can read Sheppard/McKay too. There is room in my heart for them all.

With graphs!

I... I couldn't help it. :) Had a feeling you and daasgrrl would like 'em too, at least.

And while you're here, thank you for participating. Your memories were such a pleasure to read.


topaz_eyes February 6 2007, 18:40:22 UTC
Graphs are the most awesome thing after all. Good for those of us whose eyes glaze over at long columns of figures. :-)

And thank you for hosting!


roga February 5 2007, 00:21:42 UTC
Your icon is so appropriate. And yay! I'm purple!

*hugs* to all. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

*hugs* back, and I hope you had as much fun as I did :-)


bironic February 5 2007, 01:31:19 UTC
Heh, yeah, I had a feeling this icon would come in handy. Glad you like "your" color, although it's what Microsoft Excel assigned you rather than any association of my own.

Glad you had fun! I saw that you were following other people over to their posts, which was lovely. Especially poor neglected pynelyf. I did enjoy myself, despite feeling overwhelmed sometimes.


roga February 5 2007, 01:37:27 UTC
Heh, believe me, sometimes I held myself back from commenting, thinking about poor you who probably wanted to reply to every comment, and it's not like there's a signal that means No Reply Necessary.

This, for instance, is one such NRN comment :)


bironic February 5 2007, 02:07:56 UTC
And yet here I am, replying. Heh. If we do every day posting next year, which is highly unlikely, maybe I should hand out NRN icons to participants.


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