Return of Memoryfest - Days 27-29 of 31

Jan 28, 2007 18:25

I felt happy and otherwise emotionally sturdy enough today to look through some photo albums from when I was a baby up through about age 11. I remembered most of the pictures, but they still sparked fresh recollections. Even the smell of the plastic pages brought back memories.

27. Pre-school

My dad thinks I went to the funeral, but I don't remember it at all. )

memoryfest ii

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Comments 8

roga January 29 2007, 00:16:42 UTC
Oh, rodent memories! I must share.

A few years ago my sisters bought two hamsters. I don't remember what prompted it; it seemed like a pretty bad idea, considering our family history of fish, a chick, a pair of birds, and a bunny, none of whom survived more than a few months (the birds) at most.

About a week later, I was up in my room, supposedly studying for a test but actually writing in my diary, while my sisters were playing with the boy hamster downstairs. "We have a new pet," I wrote. "I'm almost surprised he's not dead yet."

Half an hour later a shriek came from downstairs. I ignored it, focusing on my studies. It was followed by a few more panicked screams, and then silence. Finally going down to check what the fuss was about, my sister informed me that she'd been playing with the hamster on the carpet and suddenly he just started to twitch. Minutes later he was dead ( ... )


elynittria January 29 2007, 02:08:30 UTC
I loved the blasé update to your diary. What perfect timing your sister and the hamster had!


roga January 29 2007, 07:36:44 UTC
Didn't they? It felt like God was officially giving me permission to be amused.


thewlisian_afer January 29 2007, 04:57:32 UTC
January 27

When I was five, my dad's aunt and uncle died within a few days of each other. One of those things where one falls ill and dies and then the other just kind of ... follows. Anyway, it was December when they died, so some Christmas shopping had been done. One of their daughters gave me the present that was supposed to be from them. I remember thinking this present was very important because it was the last thing they would ever give me. I have no idea what it was anymore, but I do remember I didn't like it and I cried because I felt horribly ungrateful for hating a present from a dead person.

January 28I've always hated my sister's taste in men. Apparently, when I was a baby and her boyfriend (who became her first husband) got anywhere near her, I'd cry like mad. Once when I was about ten (which would've put him somewhere in his mid- to late-20s) we -- me, my two nephews, and their dad -- were all playing outside in the yard of their apartment complex. The jerk threw a baseball at me when I was turned around and ( ... )


mer_duff January 29 2007, 07:00:50 UTC
27. My uncle (15 years younger than my mother and closer in age to me than her) got married when I was 14. His wife was from Penticton, so the wedding was there and everybody travelled up from Vancouver for the weekend. Most of my Mom's family stayed in one motel, but my Dad, stayed by himself in a motel a few blocks away. I remember going over to his motel to watch television with him and walking back to the other motel in the dark, feeling sad and conflicted. It was the spring (of course) and track season, and in the day he came over and we practiced block starts on the motel lawn before it was time to get ready for the wedding.

28. My least favourite class in high school was Home Economics. I didn't mind the cooking section so much, but I hated sewing with a passion. The teacher probably wasn't all that impressed with me, either. I was into Starsky & Hutch at the time and very much into hurt/comfort. One day I was working on a story where I'd shot one or the other of them (probably Hutch), and as I was cleaning up from my ( ... )


elynittria January 29 2007, 23:01:00 UTC
One day I was working on a story where I'd shot one or the other of them (probably Hutch), and ... I asked her if she'd ever been shot.

Hee! I would have loved to have seen the look on her face. It would have been cool, though, if she had answered "yes." Then you could have taken notes and shared it with your fellow h/c writers.


elynittria January 29 2007, 22:56:03 UTC
28. I was a fan of hurt/comfort even as a child

I think I must have been too, although I didn't know it had a name back then. My brother (who was only a year older than me) and I used to play lots of fantasy-type made-up games: pretending we were two of the three musketeers, for example, or Robin Hood and one of his merry men (I never agreed to be Marian or any other female role). Quite often these games would involve me getting (fictionally) injured or captured and my brother having to rescue me.

Of course, sometimes we'd really get injured by doing stupid things like fencing with pointy tree branches, but that just made it more realistic. *g*


kabal42 January 30 2007, 01:59:58 UTC
Let's see, three in a row... *flexes fingers ( ... )


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