Return of Memoryfest - Day 7/31

Jan 06, 2007 22:27

I owe some of you comments and will get to them, but not tonight. Am sick, I think. Or have a bizarre mid-winter allergy, which I suppose wouldn't be too bizarre after all, seeing as how it hit 70 degrees today.

7. Kindergarten

I loved science and paleontology as a kid, but some of the concepts frightened me. )

memoryfest ii

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Comments 33

nicocoer January 7 2007, 03:52:53 UTC
0.0 eeep-y!

When I was little, we would visit my grandparents at the trailer that I would call home in my middle school years. There, we would spread blankets out in the grass and listen to my grandfather tell us about the stars in that faded brittish accent of his or listen to books from my mother's childhood.

There was one book that is very important to me that I can't remember the name of but which set a small fire in me. The story Was of a girl who found dolls in her attic, and then told the stories of where the dolls came from. I see this as the Origen of my intrest in History and Archeology. While the focus changed (From Victorian to Civil War to Egyptian to Medieval) the pull never did.



nicocoer January 7 2007, 03:55:16 UTC
PS: I have a thank you to you on my LJ. *falls over*



thewlisian_afer January 7 2007, 04:13:09 UTC
Feel better, sweetie. ♥

Most little kids are afraid of things like the dark or big dogs or being left at the store by their parents. When I was very young my biggest fear was chemical and biological warfare. I remember watching the news during the Iran-Iraq War in the late 80s, hearing about Saddam using chemical weapons, and being absolutely terrified. I can specifically recall reports about the poison gas attacks in Halabja. That happened less than two weeks after my fourth birthday.


roga January 7 2007, 13:35:48 UTC
Me too - small things scared me occasionally, but the Big Fear was always Saddam Hussein, lurking in the background. Forget regular warfare with missiles and fighter jets; it's the gas masks and Atropine injections and the fact that a strong wind and moisture in the air can cause more widespread damage than a bomb. It was the fact that BC warfare seems so easy, and so unpredictable.

Thank god that now that Saddam's gone nothing like that can ever happen again.

Okay, so I may not be completely over that childhood fear.


bironic January 7 2007, 16:07:23 UTC
Gas masks in and of themselves are frightening no matter how old you are, I think, let alone what it means when people are wearing them.

nothing like that can ever happen again.

If I took away only one lesson from studying the Holocaust, it's that anything can happen again if we let it. Unfortunately, we have to keep constant watch and educate new generations to make sure history doesn't repeat itself.


roga January 7 2007, 18:02:58 UTC
It can, I know. That was me trying on sarcasm. One of the scariest things about BC warfare and terrorism in particular is its unpredictability - all you need is one unstable person who thinks it's the right thing to do.


elynittria January 7 2007, 04:16:46 UTC
I hope you feel better soon!


bironic January 7 2007, 16:08:14 UTC
Thanks, and the same to you.


musicisbelievng January 7 2007, 07:00:06 UTC
Since I was 3 at the time, I didn't think I remembered anything about LA or the tar pits... until I went back over the summer and again in October. There was a lot of "heyy... I remember that" going on.


bironic January 7 2007, 16:12:34 UTC
The outdoor pit probably wasn't that big or deep, yeah? But to a five-year-old it seemed a pretty big drop.


musicisbelievng January 8 2007, 21:50:01 UTC
It was pretty dinky


bironic January 8 2007, 21:55:48 UTC
Yeah. I looked up photos of it last night (don't know why that didn't occur to me sooner) and saw what it's like there. It's pretty shallow, but the life-size mammoths and oil slick on top makes me feel less stupid for being afraid of falling in.


daasgrrl January 7 2007, 07:02:31 UTC
That reminded so much of a Little Golden Book (I think) I used to have, about Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby. I think Brer Rabbit got annoyed because it wouldn't talk to him, and then kept hitting it until he got completely stuck. OK, that was random :)


bironic January 7 2007, 16:11:19 UTC
Oh boy, I think I had the same one. Haven't thought about it in ages. There was a bit about a briar patch before that, wasn't there? And Brer Bear. Those stories were some of my least favorite of the bunch in the book, but I remember thinking the Tar Baby was cute, all saggy and silent.


thewlisian_afer January 7 2007, 21:00:52 UTC
I thought the Tar Baby was really cute, too! And I always got really annoyed at Brer Rabbit for hitting it just because it wouldn't talk to him. Even if it COULD talk, sometimes you just don't WANT to. Leave the poor little guy alone, Brer Rabbit!


daasgrrl January 8 2007, 01:05:52 UTC
Oh, I remember that too - "whatever you do, please don't throw me in the briar patch!". Or something :)


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